pondering a tattoo saying "loved" as a backpiece in a curly feminine font. loving a big bold font atm. makes me feel like my stance is more solid
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May 23, 2024

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i love coming up with different stories depending on who’s asking, what mood i’m in, how much time i have to explain. but lately, i’ve totally started copping out and saying ‘it’s personal’ every time the topic comes up. admitting to getting something so permanent on your body ‘just cause’ 🤪 feels daunting, especially when most peoples’ reason for never getting a tattoo is that they can’t decide what would be important or visually pleasing enough to have on them at all times. now, this indifference towards my silly ink has made me doubt or even dislike some of it and i’m not about that! at all!! my interests have always been in a state of flux but i’ve also always gotten so much joy from self expression and all my pointless tattoos are markers of times when that joy was there, or when i was searching for it. so as practice, here’s a short intro to my latest ink 🤍 i got it on a whim in argentina from an artist a friend recommended. it’s a little streetlight on my leg and while, objectively, it means nada to me, it represents this trip where i grew closer to my friends by seeing them through the lens of their culture, the life of a friend that was lost while i was here, a person that i met that helped me grieve and made me uncover parts of me i had been caging for some time. tomorrow it might be in honor of remy, the sweet-sweet kitty that weighted-blanketed me through the whole session. either way, i’m cool with it.
Jan 24, 2025
im getting my first tat in two weeks and its defo not gonna be my last, but i really thought it through with its meaning and im getting a water lily and in the future defo more stuff with meaning but like i also wanna get stupid tats of things i just find pretty or cool or like related to my hobbies but everyones like oh youll regret it in the future blablabla, was wondering about what people outside of my irls think pls lmk

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i know this sounds so obvious but since i went back to print publications inspiration has sky rocketed. the itnernet is a loop of adverts being fed to you and i just love love love the act of seeing something i like - carefully cutting it - adding to my sketchobook - growing my collection of beautiful refs yummy yummy
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grab a blender, buy a watermelon and coconut water, mix it all together voila. gulps of summer down your throat
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