i was recently told that networking is important (ofc) and i should go out more to have more possibilities for networking opportunities and i was panicking cause i was like "idk where tf to go" a lot of my hobbies recently are things i can do at home (as was my intention cause i dont have money and tried getting into hobbies i can do on my own at home) and any time i use the internet to do groups or something- its weird af or the people are just ... not MY people but lucky me my school is having a alumni hang out tonight alls well that ends well
May 23, 2024

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i tend to be very guarded around people i dont know its not that i am shy- i just like to spend time with people and get to know them ans observe them a bit more before deciding to share my energy so i am told that i can (in the beginning) be a bit stand off ish, stuck up, or cold and i have been this way since i was small (imagine having a grown ass adult call you, a child, stuck up- i dont have to cause its happened to me) so when i went to this networking mixer i told myself to try and be more socially open and friendly in the field i am pursuing first impressions are important and so i wanted to really stand out and i am proud to say i feel like i really did that it wasnt as uncomfortable as i thought and i was lucky that many of the people had similar humor as me and were laid back it was a good night (:
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ive been single for 5 years so when i moved, going out alone wasn’t really a new concept it was just the unfamiliar environment that was intimidating. so i just had to get over my fear of the literal unknown. either way, concerts are the easiest place for me to make new connections cus i like to dance and i mean there’s already a solid topic of conversation to lead with (the artist you r there to see 🌚) dive bars r easy too, i just have a drink at the bar, talk to whoever’s there, and go wherever the wind takes me. i also just straight up asked my coworkers if anyone wanted to be friends and /or hangout. sometimes (in seattle at least) u just have to be straightforward my old roommate liked going to queer nights and that’s how she met a few of her friends my current roommate is into gaming so he goes to gaming meets & card game battles and i have another friend who loves skating so she goes to skating events i guess, meet new people thru ur hobbies 🧘🏽‍♀️ BUT ALSO don’t be afraid to ask :)
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ik it’s cliche to say but it’s the god’s honest truth. generally, people make friends because they share an activity. when you’re a kid, the activity is school, and for some adults the activity is work or parenting. but if you aren’t interested in the friends available from those activities, you literally just have to go out and do things you already like with other people. i like music, writing, and #gaming. to make friends of my own i just went to open mics, workshops, and local tournaments respectively. try to find equivalents for the events that you like and i guarantee it will not be long before homie candidates are lining up
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using A.I. for art instead of using it to fix problems such as poverty, climate change etc is fucking weird art is a way people cope with human existence and express feelings as well as share and pass down culture why tf is A.I. in the mix its weird to me
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