I know he's public enemy number one and has said a lot of very atrocious things recently, but I cannot hear this song and its lyrics without crying. It's so sweet and loving and his performance of it at the Grammys shortly after his mother passed breaks my heart
May 28, 2024

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Can’t listen to this song or read these lyrics without crying. It made me think about my mum, who dedicated her life to parenting. She was a stay at home mum, governor of our primary school, member of a breast feeding organisation, she trained to help other mums breast feed and she volunteered for charities that helped mothers and young families that were struggling. children were her life, and she was taken from us when I was 7 and this song makes me think about how painful it must have been knowing she would miss our growing up. It also just makes me think of how wonderful mothers are and its so radical and rare for a musician to write about it in a positive way, rather than as a burden. ”I’ve spoken to the angels who’ll protect you” I’m literally crying.
Dec 21, 2024
A dramatic rendition never fails to please a crowd, lean into that twang and commit!
Apr 16, 2024

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