Bro that is severely unhealthy if going without an app makes you feel that way. That's proof right there you NEED that detox. Please think about why you feel vulnerable and think about how to combat it.
May 30, 2024

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look up these words and figure out the best way to do it on your end. i was offline for years after a major addiction & it was the best thing I ever did for myself. I'm back now but I feel like I literally pressed "RESET" and I don't take it all so seriously anymore and actually crave being offline. The only way I was able to do this was about 2 months before I did so, I learned about this and did some research and was able to do it. The first month was hard but after that, it was addicting and liberating!! Other things that help: turn your phone on night mode at all time OR take it one step further and make it greyscale. Also look at WHY are you on the phone? Keep in mind, many companies and apps have paid people big money to answer that question and keep you on without even thinking about it. Figuring out your why and relationship with the device is a powerful thing you can do for yourself!! Also fall back in love with the things you love. I promise there are things offline (& this is coming from a major online digital girlie who's basically an indoor cat lol) that you can throw yourself into. Think about all the things you love or any of your future career goals based on your interests. Even if your goal is to grow on social media/online! You will need to hone in and nurture your hobbies anyways to do so!
Apr 30, 2024
Really assessing the cost of quitting and being honest with yourself about how much you want it. This helps to do on the front side of dealing with some types of addiction or bad habits, in my opinion. Are you willing to endure pain to quit? Are you willing to be really bored? Are you willing to miss out? Do you want to quit badly enough to face embarrassment? One possible pathway forward is to tell people who love you about the addiction—specifically I'm thinking of people that you really don't want to tell. People that you respect. Tell them you're going to quit and that you wonder if you can update them on your progress with it every few days. Willingness to endure pain and embarrassment required! Or you could take it a step further, find some app or something that blocks Youtube (or whatever site you want to quit), install it, and set it up so it can't be deleted or uninstalled and have a friend or loved one set the password. Again, you've really gotta want it bad to go to extremes like this, because it will definitely involve discomfort on your end.
Oct 17, 2024
For over a year I had the "world's tiniest ruggedized phone". I don't remember the brand but I bet you can google it. Regardless, I still found myself using Instagram and Facebook on the tiny little screen 🥲. When they say social media is made to be addictive I fully believe it. App blockers, making my screen grey scale after 6pm, none of it works. I delete the settings, I remove the blocker. The best things I've done for myself that is SO much easier said than done is 1. remove the thing from your life that you're trying to avoid and/or 2. Embrace the thing you're trying to avoid. For me 1. Was a terrible job and 2. Was silence and boredom

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I know analog horror is an oversaturated mess, but I'm very happy to see a 10 minute oneshot so nicely made. And by a 17 year old no less! Not to say 17 year olds can't make wonderful art, it just makes it even more impressive. It's a good video if you can handle religious horror.
May 17, 2024
Subliminals and manifestation are so fun to read about. Do I really think these people are out here changing their physical bodies? Fuck no. If that stuff DID work, which it could, physical changes like that would take decades. However, playing pretend and finding stuff for my goals like I Do believe it is very entertaining.
Jun 11, 2024
I know that sounds like a shitty thing but its not that bad, my mom and I have done it. You can make anywhere from 25-75 per donation, and a lot of places have referral bonuses.
Jun 6, 2024