in the past i have been bad about keeping a schedule, so days off/holidays sneak up on me and it is hard to plan ahead. last year i committed to using a paper planner and it has been really nice to see the week/month ahead and also to be able to look back. sort of functions as a low-pressure scrapbook. i use one from marjolein delhaas. i have the orange but there are other colors.
Hello stationary nerds! Being 30 means I spent my school years using a notebook planner for assignments and reminders but since college I've been using apps for calendars+tasks.
But last week the revelation came out of nowhere (that's a lie, my wife suggested I needed something more tangible to organize my chaotic brain) and I've never felt more relieved since I got this whiteboard. She specifically recommended this one which allows me to have long-term projects/reminders on the right and pin cute polaroids in the cork section below.
BONUS: Tiny tab post-its & ultra-fine coloured markers. Tabs for categorizing and be able to move things around without having to erase something constantly. Ultra-fine markers to write more things in small spaces. 0.7mm is what I'm using.
Have fun!!
"In typography, rivers (or rivers of white) are gaps in typesetting which appear to run through a paragraph of text due to a coincidental alignment of spaces."