I watched this claustrophobic first date movie during the lockdowns and it's stuck with me ever since. I've never seen a movie where the inability to connect due to long-calcified adult neuroticisms and insecurities take centre stage, and is executed so well. Also when you can no longer rely on the looks and charms of your 20s-30s to keep yourself from being alone on a Friday night... when you have to get honest with yourself and others about who you are in order to connect... when your interests and quirks become so niche out of prolonged loneliness that connecting with someone again seems impossible, when in reality it's so possible, you just need to give yourself and others a little bit of grace... I'd love to see the play version of this.
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May 31, 2024

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brilliant. beautiful and funny and heartwrenching and silly and all around fantastic. the more i think about this movie the more i love it. tells an unconventional tale of self-confidence, self-sabotage, regret and jealousy, etc etc the ending was a bit silly but i can look past it lol. what a fantastic cast and fantastic production. they frame things throughout as if it were to look like a stage production only for that to be the eventual main plot point. one of my favorite scenes (if not films) of the year
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a frequently quoted article (chances are you’ve seen that banger line about “the mortifying ordeal of being known” at least once) but it’s one i still keep coming back to. also goes hard when paired with a viewing of You Hurt My Feelings (2023) directed by Nicole Holofcener, which is this charming 90-minute movie where a novelist (played by Julia Louis-Dreyfus!) discovers her husband doesn’t actually like the book she’s written. a great little story about white lies and love
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I feel like I will go crazy if I don’t tell someone about this movie, it absolutely rips. we love media on medium. it’s a group of actors in a musical, constantly moving between their dream theatre production and the production they actually can afford. maybe I just like this because I work in a theatre again and am constantly daydreaming about us having enough money to turn the heaters on. xoxo love this flick 👍
Jan 27, 2024

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