this is my cat Dottie! i could talk about her for hours. her favorite things are licking scallop flavored Churu, being massaged between her shoulder blades, getting brushed, spooning with me, crunching catnip Greenies, and biting my boyfriend's legs whenever he gets out of the shower for some reason. her vet told me make her lose 2 pounds and she literally won't let me. if i don't give her "enough" kibble at night she digs her claws into my scalp at 4AM and screams in my ear. at one of our apartments with mice, she actually flayed a mouse. when i found it it had no skin or feet, but the head was still on. she's insane. she is only allowed outside on a harness and eats grass like a pig, and while cooped up inside likes to patrol for bugs and chitter at birds through the window screen. she is very sweet and welcoming with all strangers who visit our home. worst thing ever is one time she had a UTI on some New Years Eve or Christmas Eve idk and it was so scary and dramatic, so now i always make sure i have at least enough money to pay for an emergency for her, i will not eat if i don't have enough money for her, The Dottie Fund.
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I found her at a family gathering about 7-8 years ago. The previous lady who was taking care of her & a colony of feral cats moved away, leaving her without a consistent food source. She hung around me the whole day, soaking up the sun from a lawn chair while occasionally stealing some of my mac & cheese. That day I ended up taking her home, now she’s my whole world. Since then, i’ve started studying all things cat (especially feline behavior), working at animal shelters, occasionally fostering, & volunteering at other animal shelters + different pet retention services. She’s taught me so much & has given me the motivation to be better everyday. I don’t know what i’d do or be without her.
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