wrinkly hands run in the family, my nail beds turn so so purple when I’m cold people get so so concerned, also so so dry cause I have to wash them after touching every patient at work. hands are hot and nothing tells me you like me more than unsolicited h*nd pics
people point out my hands a lot. in tenth grade my friends called them “wendigo hands” (lmao) because i have wide palms and slender fingers. more than one nurse has commented that i am easy for bloodwork lol.
scarred, wrinkly, with hyperpigmentation. i love doing things with my hands.
on a side note, may i just say hm i love layering nail polish because it creates textures from the stuff it touches and i can pick it and still look cool.
Somehow they've become my favourite body part in recent times. It's one part of my body that I can see is aging and I really like how it's going. They are strong and flexible and I have nice healthy nails. I have three calloused fingertips from playing the guitar and I keep my nails quite short and unpainted and I let them grow longer when I'm taking a break from instruments. I think you can tell that I play keys (although really I think that's from typing)