scarred, wrinkly, with hyperpigmentation. i love doing things with my hands. on a side note, may i just say hm i love layering nail polish because it creates textures from the stuff it touches and i can pick it and still look cool.
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Jun 2, 2024

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Somehow they've become my favourite body part in recent times. It's one part of my body that I can see is aging and I really like how it's going. They are strong and flexible and I have nice healthy nails. I have three calloused fingertips from playing the guitar and I keep my nails quite short and unpainted and I let them grow longer when I'm taking a break from instruments. I think you can tell that I play keys (although really I think that's from typing)
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its a subgenre of dance and the first edm genre to originate from the Philippines. this guy DJ love invented it and incorporated local Badjao ethnic sounds. you would hear it in fiestas mostly in the provinces and street parties. ngl i used to hate this genre back in highschool n thought it sounded silly bc i was lameee
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okay this has been cool for me because - i have somewhere to go to when i am bored with my work from home setup - i have the privilege of taste testing their new stuff - they give me free shit lmao - we can share our cool hobbies/interests - we get to talk about the craft which they're so passionate about or just have a wholesome conversation
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