Critical Role is really cool but can be hard to break into. I really enjoyed watching this and I'm so excited for more seasons. Really cool lore and seeing characters progress through the overall story and their own individual arcs. Season 1 hit every single button for me tbh (very castlevania-esque).
Jun 4, 2024

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"𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕓𝕒𝕝𝕝 π•šπ•€ π•£π• π•π•π•šπ•Ÿπ•˜ 𝕦𝕑!" the wild adventures of The Wurst space crew in a universe created by Elaine Lee, using the Star Wars 5E tabletop system it's hilarious. it's a space western. it's got heists. what's not to love i go back and forth with whether i think this or unsleeping city season 1 is dimension 20's best season. while i can love the dramatics of a crown of candy or neverafter, the slice of life-ness of fantasy high or the unsleeping city, and the sidequests have been nothing to snuff at (escape from the bloodkeep, a court of fey and flowers, burrow's end and mentopolis being my personal faves), this is truly dimension 20's sweet spot. obviously, they're comedians, they're gonna do comedy well, but i think it's the fact that it's outwardly comedic actually makes the poignant moments stick out all the more not to mention, while i think many overuse the term "chaotic," to the point of it being all but meaningless, this is a series that truly befits that name. this shit gets bonkers. absolutely coo-coo for coco puffs. but also, this show fucking nails its tone. perfect marriage of low stakes and high stakes also, obviously, such a fun world to play around in, with such a fun cast of both PCs and NPCs, i can only hope they come back for another season just because i'm desperate to explore this world again. 5evr
Apr 15, 2024
Weirdly another video game reference. I truly have never been that into video games but I really like this animated series on Netflix. I have never played League of Legends but I don’t think that matters. Its just a really well written, engaging series that is candy for the eyes.
Nov 14, 2023
my absolute favourite liveplay dungeons and dragons podcast. the current arc, taz vs dracula, is incredible and so funny. i will recommend this podcast until i die
Jul 24, 2024

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