I was very late to learning about the visionary brilliance of Octavia Butler. I embarrassingly had never heard of her even though the local ICA had an entire outward facing wall wrapped with her image and a quote. Sometimes tunnel vision can really lead you astray so it’s always best to be searching with an open mind. I’ve had a hard time with reading since quarantine, I think it has something to do with an exorbitant amount of screen time destroying what was left of my spreading diminished attention span. I trudged through book after book this past year not being able to sink my teeth into anything until I found Parable of the Sower. This book has made me fall in love with reading again. Instead of rewatching the Sopranos for the millionth time, I look forward to my time each day with the book’s chronicler, Lauren Olamina, and her Earthseed musings. A novel fraught with dystopia that feels more like today’s news than the science fiction label it got when published in 1993. I haven’t finished it quite yet, but I have been telling everyone they should read it, truly inspiring and makes me want to approach each day with more empathy and hope no matter how much despair we are hit with each day. God is Change.