Very wholesome yet very informative Podcast about the origin of certain words and phrases!!! just the right about of noncommittal mental stimulation without feeling overburdened. its a good vibe all around 🌀
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Jun 5, 2024

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this is my comfort podcast, a great way to learn something new about language or discover a new side to something you already know. callers come in with words or phrases they want more info on (definitions, origins, stances on use), and a lot of time it's phrases that have been passed down in their family. it's not very technical, anyone can listen and follow along! calls are international, though they generally get callers from all over the US. they also take emails and just stories about anything from submissions. part way they also have a little language game that can be challenging, but it's engaging hearing the hosts try and solve along with you. I just find the whole thing very charming!
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It can get so tiring consuming media because its a 'classic' or it's 'necessary to understand x'. Improving taste and furthering your education is obviously a great thing but it can be worn out just like any other thing! Hence, my preference for the 'nevermind' podcast, it feels like I'm in on a conversation with friends which is the -ultimate- form of expanding your horizons because it doesn't require effort!!! Finding things you can go to for comfort is a great way to find spark. "It's the little things" as they say...
Feb 16, 2025
I love this podcast. It’s about language. More specifically you could say it’s about conversational speech, intonation, and the host John McWhorter does a great job of bending his voice around the phrases and words he’s talking about. He’s a fan of musical theatre and plays a few show tunes with lyrics which relate to the themes of the episode. I like to have podcasts, or tv, people talking, on pretty much all the time I’m at home. I also need that on flights (I don’t like to fly but I have to do it often). So this podcast feels like a friend.
Jun 23, 2022

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