I’m going to assume ‘normal’ means things regular humans wear that don’t cost $$$$$$. I peeped some of the other recs and they had a lot of great options. Some broad thoughts: • Thrifting is incredible...if you know what you’re looking for. It’s worth spending some time doing research / time in the stores feeling all the things yourself. • GAP’s new creative department is incredible and they’re honestly the best all-around normal mall brand. Fits are great. Materials are thoughtful and rational (their linen stuff has been shockingly good). • I am a loyal cultist to J Crew (and her younger, edgier, hotter sister in Madewell). The men’s department is currently way ahead of the women’s — SHOP THE MENS DEPARTMENT! This is peak era of women-wearing-menswear so abuse it. • Everlane is good, their fits are hit or miss though. I’d say if you can go to a physical store try stuff on there.
Jun 13, 2024

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My style is kind of intentionally boring, so I like the GAP. I used to really like Old Navy, but their clothes don't last at all. The GAP is decent and they have sales pretty often. Additional rec's to: Brooks Brothers, Polo / RL, and vintage on eBay (the real source of most of my clothes lol).
Apr 19, 2024
tbh when i do buy anything it’s an agonising process of hunting down either a very specific item or an item that fits a very specific way that i’m after. i move a lot so owning things is a big deal to me, i don’t buy anything i dont see myself keeping for a while and sell things i don’t use regularly. i also make some of my clothes so there’s that but i’d say aside from specific vintage stuff some of my fav new brands to shop are our legacy, gildan, everybody.world, fadepants before i worked there, morjas, uniqlo u the 2 times it drops a year, and supreme brands i like their clothes and might buy more in another financial situation but don’t shop much/at all are lemaire, connor mcknight (esp the outerwear), stussy (some of the best and most attainable styling for sure), studio nicholson, lyle mcgraw, orée nyc, horatio london, and nike/jordan
if you just want to get regular shit with minimal effort or thought that lasts enough uniqlo will do that if you really care and want the absolute best normal clothes, study vintage and find deals on the things that jump out to you

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florinegrassenhopper riotgrrrl brendanooooo slowdazzle buck_mcgraw and indianjones — we did it. Not only did we successfully meet for drinks, but we also schemed the hostile takeover of this app from tyler tonight. In all seriousness — weird that an app I downloaded in April would make genuinely want to drive back into Brooklyn during end of day traffic for a happy hour. Great app filled with great people.
Jul 20, 2024
I feel like there’s a special connectivity on this app that I haven’t felt in a long time, maybe since early 2010’s tumblr. The fact that you can’t promote yourself like IG is wonderful. The fact that there isn’t mass video content like Tik Tok is great. It’s not this monetized / paid sponsorship app. People are here because they want to be a part of something with nothing to gain besides friendship. Seeing the URL -> IRL meetups warms my heart so much (waiting for an NYC or Brooklyn meetup). Thanks for your participation on this niche little app. I smile reading all the recs and all the comments and all the asks. Hope we’ll all be here for a long time.
Jun 15, 2024
I think a life rule for me is to surround myself with people who know more / are smarter / are cooler than me and just absorb their aura by listening / observing them. It’s made me the incredibly smart / cool person you all know and love. I just never thought I’d feel the same way about URL friends. I’m constantly listening to the songs I see posted here, reading the articles, subbing to newsletters, and googling topics that get tossed onto the feed. It’s nice to know you can become a more rounded person by just absorbing what your mutuals post on here. I’m going to sit on my couch, have a cocktail and digest my lovely feed. Happy Sunday!
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