In the same boat having j graduated myself. put the phone away at night. job hunt every day from 9am-12 and do nothing else in that time frame. coffee shops help me. also go outside everyday sun does wonders. Used to be hyper depressed and shit and that helps the mind a lot
Jun 13, 2024

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whenever i start to Feel Real Bad i delete all the social media apps on my phone and i force myself to go outside into nature more, see other people, and read easy/shorter books (that aren’t sad). i journal to get any bad feelings out and to help think through why i’m in a funk. i clean my sheets and try to not be in my bed from 10am-9pm. i paint my nails. i dance in my room. i try to switch up my routine, and also put more effort into my outfits and fun makeup (personally it makes me feel more functional). i don’t have a therapist right now (working on it!) but talking to one usually helps me. i go to people i trust for advice, bc sometimes the funk comes from feeling overwhelmed. i also try to listen to lots of fun music like house music and indie pop. i’m not great at doing all of these things each time but a combination of them usually does the trick for me !
Jul 5, 2024
once I realized that most days I spent entirely at home made me feel awful when they should make me feel rested, I started making a point of getting out of the house on days where I have nothing planned. you can really go anywhere as long as it's a place that you're comfortable and can waste some time in. I would usually go to a coffee shop and do homework/browse the web on my laptop, which I could just as easily do at home but it felt better than doing it there because I actually had to get up, get ready, get outside, and interact with people even if minimally. it just helped me stay grounded. nowadays if i have to stay home I make a point to force myself to get up at a normal time (sleeping until past noon will make you feel like you can't do anything because it's already so late you migh as well just stay in) and do something creative, usually that helps the time fly if you get engrossed in it for a while. having a hobby is a great timesink that actually feels productive. if the weather is nice, just go outside and take it in. if you can walk around your part of town, just putting on music an meandering can be a good way to get familiar with your area or find something new to try. I'm a fan of biking so if there's a pedestrian trail in your city just get on and ride. I've found that putting on music and going at a chill pace I can end up wasting hours taking in the sights and vibing and actually get some excercise too. in general, moving around and getting out are huge. you don't even need to be doing anything ""productive"". but if you must stay inside, get out of the bedroom and find an activity you can get lost in for a while, stimulate your mind a bit.
May 6, 2024
every day, i try to incorporate: 1) some form of exercise 2) time outside (can be combined with exercise) 3) talking to/seeing a friend (or even a stranger, the important thing is social contact) 4) an intellectually stimulating activity that gives you a feeling of accomplishment (reading, practicing a language, doing a puzzle etc) 5) self care (nails, facial masks, body oil, or hell just a shower if that’s what you need) when I maintain this routine my mental health stays fairly manageable! you can get through it 💪
Mar 8, 2024

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Experience new things and build your identity! I went seven hours away and it was great, not too far, but just far enough. New cultures, new people. Everyone’s advice so far is so so good. I just graduated and I wish I had switched schools to better apply to my major and studies. The better programs help a lot with job and internship finding. Overall, go somewhere that fits your vibe, but accentuates your goals annd aspirations!
Oct 31, 2024