specifically seeing them on the big wall at the guggenheim. tears in my eyes
also - magritte’s the lovers
sun yuan and peng yu’s can’t help myself
polly nor’s you don’t know him like i do
several of van gogh’s works like this one and this one and this one and this one
felix gonzalez-torres “untitled” (portrait of ross in LA)
unfinished painting by keith haring
the silent voice by gerald moira
tessa boffin untitled #1
klimt’s death and life
schneelandschaft by cuno amiet (it’s huge in person)
disappointed love by francis danby
in the kitchen by helena janecic
christina’s world by andrew wyeth
It hung in my childhood bff’s sister’s room and shocked my system. I thought her shoulders were just like that, and it was the most gorgeous and envy-inducing thing I’d ever seen. This rec is from me to me to hang it up in my own house.
bc it’s what I originally wanted when I first went to college at 17 but I was scared to make writing my job and got a B.S. in Nutrition instead lol
Now the goal is an eventual PhD in Victorian Literature but I’m just happy to have made it through this part at 32!
Stacked is everything I read in my English courses—barely pictured are the 5 stuffed accordion folders of other reading materials under my chair haha