- lions and tigers roaming the streets and nobody notices or cares but me - I’m at a zoo combination aquarium combination museum at night and the animals get loose - desolate rundown street usually in Mexico. This actually just symbolizes my hometown probably - giant mall - Kohl’s style low-midrange department store - used to be labyrinthine school building but now it’s a labyrinthine yuppie apartment building because I live in one - house that I inherited from my grandparents and I discover a secret basement with a ton of different rooms where nothing has been touched for 50 years and is covered in dust but the bathroom is perfectly clean. in the most recent one of these I dreamed it was actually a nice normal split level house and I walked through it turning off all of the lights before going to bed - disturbing extreme violence or paranormal happenings. For example a couple of nights ago I dreamt that i heard the front door to my apartment open, heard footsteps coming to my bedroom, and saw a figure slowly walking towards me in the dark. I couldn’t make out its face but I could feel that it was staring at me and smiling. It climbed on top of me, straddling me, and I couldn’t move or call out for help. I could see in a sliver of moonlight coming through the window that it had long blonde hair covering its face. I was able to grab its wrist which was so skinny and pale…
Jun 14, 2024

Comments (15)

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tag yourself I'm the Kohl's style low-midrange department store
Jun 14, 2024
willreschke the clothing aisles just stretch on for eternityyyu so many mediocre folded sweaters it’s fucked UP
Jun 14, 2024
gosh Freud would love this material looool so deep and interesting
Jun 14, 2024
valddan Jung too I think he would be really interested in the house stuff lol!!
Jun 14, 2024
taterhole I’ve done a lot of work in jungian psychology and you could do some active imagination work with all of this! Dialogue with the characters, roam the places and see what you find. Fun stuff!!
Jun 14, 2024
mossyelfie oooh I love this idea!!!!!!!! I’ll look into it
Jun 15, 2024
a+ for understanding the assignment these are great and i totally get it. love the zoo/aquarium/museum that is so some shit that would be in my dream too
Jun 14, 2024
riotgrrrl I want to go there I feel like it would be a magical place despite the chaos 🥹
Jun 14, 2024
taterhole i bet it’s beautiful but a little spooky
Jun 14, 2024
riotgrrrl have you seen the mall world subreddit where people talk about these dream locations btw it’s so cool actually
Jun 14, 2024
taterhole NO! but i am not a proper redditor link me
Jun 14, 2024
riotgrrrl it IS all of the enclosures are like jungle paths that you walk through and the walls and floors inside the museum are like black velvety felty carpet material!!!!!!
Jun 14, 2024
riotgrrrl I love the content on there I need to browse it again soon
Jun 14, 2024
taterhole dreams are such an undiscovered whole world and I fell like we don't pay enough attention to it
Jun 14, 2024
valddan I so completely agree I don’t know why people aren’t more fascinated with them!!!!!
Jun 14, 2024

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that I inherited a house with a previously undiscovered subterranean level with dingy muted-color plush-or-shag-carpeted rooms that looked like they hadn’t been touched since the 1950s-1970s depending on their style and everything was covered with a thick layer of dust.  there would be several large expansive bathrooms that were fresh and clean and I would sometimes find people in them and we would engage in territorial disputes. I haven’t had one of these in a while. Realizing I had missed math class for the entire semester, was failing, and I didn’t even know where it was or what my class schedule was (probably because I’m bad at math, skipped a lot of school, and did in fact fail classes as a consequence of not doing work). Always dreams of large labyrinthian buildings, often schools with a grand entrance hall and a huge performing arts theater, but sometimes nightmarish facsimiles of luxury apartment buildings and their residents which are already disturbing enough in reality.   A shopping mall with a two-story Walgreens that has escalators inside.  There’s a movie theater at the mall where you enter and go up a cramped set of stairs to get to the lobby, and a department store that’s more on the level of a Kohl’s than something upscale. Wild animals (lions, tigers and bears—oh my!) stalking the streets at night and I’m the only one who notices or cares.  Going to a dimly-lit combination zoo/aquarium/museum where all of the interior rooms are black, animals are just roaming free, and I never get to see every exhibit. Pet stores with hundreds of aisles filled with cages of mistreated cats and dogs. Once I dreamt that I found a parrot with all of its feathers plucked bare and a broken beak.  I nursed it back to health and it transformed into a mighty leopard. A dusty old town center somewhere close to Mexico in the old west.  Escaping from mass shooter and murderer situations.  Evil shape shifting entities that I recognize from previous dreams.  Watching a movie and then I’m in the movie or the same with video games.   Oh and also my pets often accompany me on my journeys!
Apr 2, 2024
It’s the best and the worst. So many dreams that sometimes idk if my memories are real or just past dreams I had. my reoccurring themes are: -car crashes (every dream in which I drive I lose control of the car and crash) -sexual harassment or assault (all by creepy old men) -teleporting (I teleport a lot in my dreams, once I went inside a change room in the mall and ended up in japan) -fights ( I beat the shit out of people in my dreams but I swear I’d never do that irl…👀) -animal attacks ( bears, raccoons, rats, pumas, horses?!?!)
Mar 29, 2024
Linked is an older post I made about my running themes in my dreams. Lately I’ve mostly been seeing my friends and giggling with them and hugging them and going up and down hills and steps with them. Strange dreams about people from my past too where they seem very wounded and vulnerable. And then this was a really weird one I typed up recently after waking up that I don’t even know that to make of it (now that I think about it cleaning is definitely a predominant theme): I had a dream that I had an older sister and we wanted to wear daisy dukes and bikinis and clean the house together. There were Amish or Mennonite people all around my neighborhood. I was at a bar and there were two gay men having a fun exaggerated play fight and a depressed bartender was cleaning up after them. But a very drunk woman told him he had to go around the corner where the pigeons were swarming and find what was waiting there—it seemed like it was a dead body. Then there was an Amish lady tucking her daughter into bed and she placed a carved wooden sun above the daughter’s head that opens up like an eyeball and she said it was for cooking popcorn but it was obviously to try to keep the children alive from whatever nefarious force.
Feb 5, 2025

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My dad teases me about how when I was a little kid, my favorite thing to do when I was on the landline phone with somebody—be it a relative or one of my best friends—was to breathlessly describe the things that were in my bedroom so that they could have a mental picture of everything I loved and chose to surround myself with, and where I sat at that moment in time. Perfectly Imperfect reminds me of that so thanks for always listening and for sharing with me too 💌
Feb 23, 2025
I’ve been thinking about how much of social media is centered around curating our self-image. When selfies first became popular, they were dismissed as vain and vapid—a critique often rooted in misogyny—but now, the way we craft our online selves feels more like creating monuments. We try to signal our individuality, hoping to be seen and understood, but ironically, I think this widens the gap between how others perceive us and who we really are. Instead of fostering connection, it can invite projection and misinterpretation—preconceived notions, prefab labels, and stereotypes. Worse, individuality has become branded and commodified, reducing our identities to products for others to consume. On most platforms, validation often comes from how well you can curate and present your image—selfies, aesthetic branding, and lifestyle content tend to dominate. High engagement is tied to visibility, not necessarily depth or substance. But I think spaces like PI.FYI show that there’s another way: where connection is built on shared ideas, tastes, and interests rather than surface-level content. It’s refreshing to be part of a community that values thoughts over optics. By sharing so few images of myself, I’ve found that it gives others room to focus on my ideas and voice. When I do share an image, it feels intentional—something that contributes to the story I want to tell rather than defining it. Sharing less allows me to express who I am beyond appearance. For women, especially, sharing less can be a radical act in a world where the default is to objectify ourselves. It resists the pressure to center appearance, focusing instead on what truly matters: our thoughts, voices, and authenticity. I’ve posted a handful of pictures of myself in 2,500 posts because I care more about showing who I am than how I look. In trying to be seen, are we making it harder for others to truly know us? It’s a question worth considering.
Dec 27, 2024