lately i haven’t been playing video games nearly as much as i used to, but i’m getting back into the groove with elden ring for the upcoming DLC that’s dropping. hidetaka miyazaki, the director of this game, is an uncompromising and inimitable force in the world of game design, and his collaboration with GRRM for the lore underpinning this particular game is an interesting twist. elden ring is, to me, the perfection of the lineage of games that miyazaki and FromSoftware have developed (mainly dark souls): from the visual language to the thematic direction to the brutally minimalist combat system to the haunting level and world design… if you’re near the target audience, this game won’t be easily forgotten.
recommendation image
Jun 15, 2024

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the first thing to be said is that this recommendation applies equally to everyone the next thing to be said is that you have, inevitably, been suffering from a cocktail of depression and anxiety for more than a decade, and this has made you incredibly tired what you need is to make NYE plans with a good friend you haven't seen in years; she will bring you out to the club and it will be fuckin rad; you'll buy some cute clothes and she'll do your makeup, despite these not being things you really ever do, and you'll forget how much you typically disdain your appearance for one night next, you're going to have to just read for awhile, books and essays and youtube comments and text messages after enough reading, you'll have your own thoughts and questions, and you'll inevitably see someone else asking the question "am i trans?" reading this question will naturally lead to you asking yourself: "am i trans?" the answer is yes at this point, you have transitioned into a girl, and everything else is just showing off; decide on a new name; get a therapist and a doctor who are supportive; pump your body full of the hormones it needs; get some cute new clothes and burn your old shit; ask for help picking out and doing your makeup stop treating your body like a shipping container for your sad brain; transform it into the hot girl your brain already knows you are
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