I heard of William Ellery through a Van Neistat youtube video (which honestly sub-rec, I’ve been pretty into his youtube recently, as someone trying to get better at being “handy”). According to William Ellery’s brand info page, a main goal is to advance the ideal that “it is vital to preserve the instinct to explore”. This comes through in a manner of really creative and interesting ways. There are “keepsake hats” with nylon mesh strapped over the logo (using a fisherman’s knot) providing a little strap-in area for keepsakes, “seatpack chairs “ fashioned out of what seems to be an inflatable dinghy, and of course the legendary wool socks, to be worn year-round. The design feels like an evolution beyond Tom Sachs, where the founder worked as a lead designer, with an oft hand-drawn logo and utilitarian materials everywhere. Each item feels very imaginitive and super cohesive, like they’re all a prop in some sequel to moonrise kingdom.