Tiny dollhouse on east 78th in NYC
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Jun 19, 2024

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I don’t care how old I get, I will always be obsessed with dollhouse miniatures. They’re also a very practical thing to collect if you live in a cramped New York City apartment. One of the few, cool places on the UES is this store that’s been around for thirty years, that sells things like mini cheese balls, boba, a lava lamp, and teeny tiny orange Crocs. Relatedly, I am also fond of those trick fake food sculptures that look like milk spilled that you can get online.
Nov 23, 2021
As the housing market rises and domesticity reigns supreme in a post-pandemic world, it’s no wonder that I feel dollhouses are on the verge of going viral. There’s a deep desire to create my own Joseph Cornell fantasy world without any of the real world repercussions of owning property. I highly recommend building one from scratch. Kits or partially made homes are available on Facebook Marketplace all the time for a reasonable rate, plus this allows for max customization possibilities. I’m planning a house tour with mini canapés and cocktails.
Feb 12, 2024

Top Recs from @ladyjadey

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I’m so addicted to my beaubble freckle pen that I worry my friends are going to throw me a fake freckle intervention any day now. The new glossier lip liner in graze is the first one I’ve found that colour matches enough to fill in my cupid’s bow. Long red nails because I like the sound of them tapping the iphone screen. Sorry to anyone in my vicinity who does not enjoy that sound. I went to the pool on Sunday with another long nailed friend and we laughed about the sensation of running them through the water… like having little flippers on your fingers. I felt like a beautiful duck-billed platypus.
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couldn’t tell you if it works or not but why am I addicted to asking people to guess my name or favourite movie
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