i’ve had to do so many different personality tests for work and low key there is no difference between a strengths/aptitude/personality test and astrology and the like. one just happens to be packaged up in corporate lingo and is thus more socially acceptable. personally, i trust the movement and placements of the planets more than i do tests that measure my extroversion or whatever.
Jun 22, 2024

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first of all these traits aren’t immutable I used to score much higher in neuroticism and lower in extraversion. Probably lower in agreeableness my misanthropy has softened with time and effort. Openness describes how open you are to new experiences and ways of thinking and your capacity and willingness to engage in abstract thought. Conscientiousness is thoughtfulness, impulse control, goal-oriented behavior, and ability to work within structure; this is a highly valued trait in leadership. Extraversion is obviously how much you put yourself out there in the world and enjoy the company of other people. Agreeableness is pretty much a measure of how well you function within society and show emotional connection to and consideration for others, exhibiting prosocial behavior. And neuroticism is an overall tendency towards negative emotions like anxiety, fear, depression, or paranoia. So I think the results you get from this test can be a great steppingstone for evaluating the way you orient yourself in the world, your motivations, the internal processes you make decisions from, and also things you could work on changing or expanding
Apr 5, 2024
recommendation image
This feels right. I definitely prefer to lead by positive influence rather than through dominance (D on the chart) and I am not a perfectionist or numbers person which would fall under conscientiousness (which is C). I would say that my positive encouraging highly collaborative attitude is a standout trait professionally! And interestingly enough my results on this since I last took it have changed—my strongest trait was steadiness before! I’ve taken on a leadership role so I have more information and context about the way I like to make decisions, handle situations, and work with groups of people! I think my confidence has improved too 🐣 (I googled my traits to find these little infographics. Feeling exposed right now by some of these traits listed especially the negative ones for influence…)
Sep 16, 2024

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i don't think anyone ever intends to become a recreational ornithologist. but i've noticed that it definitely creeps up on you slowly in your mid-twenties. it starts with noticing how funny pigeons are, then learning pigeon lore, and suddenly you're feeding your neighbourhood birds every morning and buying books on birds. as a child i idolised the pigeon lady in home alone 2, and i woke up this morning and realised — i AM the pigeon lady 🐦
Mar 6, 2025
reading is a habit of building and developing your empathy and critical thinking skills. you’re forced to sit with an idea for however long you are reading it and forced to contextualise it and comprehend it within your own life and perspective. You can’t just scroll away or pause or put it on 2x speed. you have to sit with it. it’s super underrated, but genuinely I’ve made this a habit for the last year and feel like a totally different person. also you come out of it having learned something new or seeing the world in a slightly new way. I literally do not see any downsides to reading. make reading cool again! also you don’t have to do it in one big block, you can space it out — 15 mins here, 45 there — whatever works for you!
Dec 9, 2024
our cultural obsession with being perceived as cool is a disease. its peak capitalistic/consumerist propaganda. fuck being cool. like what you like and who cares if it's cool or not. it's tiresome and we need to leave it in 2024. literally nothing gives me the ick more than people who betray themselves in an attempt to be perceived as cool by the masses. be yourself — even if it means you're 'uncool'.
Jan 3, 2025