i get that this could sound a bit counter intuitive buttttt hear me out. i am currently 6 days into a gap year as i've just finished high school and was thinking a lot about what i should do with my time and this was the conclusion i came to. there are so many things i think are deeply interesting but don't know anything about and i know i won't go into a career in many of those things, soooo i thought i would excercise some autonomy and do stuff that feel like "a waste of time". EG - right now i am sat in someones house in Hannover (Germany) because i'm vollunteering at a rehabilitation centre for people who have just received cochlear implants. i know that i will never go into the medical field but i just thought it was so interesting and i love people. I've done this purely out of interest. this year i'm planning on doing more of these things; painting a mural in my room, learning how to make creme brulee, going to talks and lectures, learning how to play a sitar ect. none of these have anything to do with my career at all, i just think we can get so into our jobs that we never engage in anything outside of it. be radical and do stuff just because you can!!!! write down everything you are interested in (could be anything) and explore a way you can engage in them. THINK ESPECIALLY ABOUT THE THINGS YOU LIKE BUT ARE NOT NATURALLY GOOD AT!! soz this was so waffley but i just found myself in the same position and wanted to help 💋
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Jun 22, 2024

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Write it out, like you’re doing here! everyone has already said you’re super young so find hope and peace in that whenever you‘re panicking about what you should be doing. Don’t worry too much about love, that’s going to come at its own time. your career will take shape over time and you always have chances to change it. How do I feel grounded (context, i’m 30, feeling decently settled). I constantly make lists of what I need to do or want to do (these are separate!). Today I need to do xyz at work, I need to make plans for this weekend, I need to buy new cat food, I want to work out twice, I want to cook something with zucchini, I want to listen to a new podcast episode Some other things: I always try to have an artistic outlet. I ask questions about things I don’t know (this is everywhere, work, at the cafe, in yoga class, I Google if I’m curious). I go to therapy and when I make goals I only think of my own happiness.
Jan 22, 2025
honestly what helped me was doing different hobbies i always liked reading and writing but it wasnt until i decided to do a filmmaking course that my live for filmmaking came back sometimes you gotta try new things and even old things to help you figure out what you are passionate about you could even combing two things you love its trial and error but definitely follow what you love or take time to explore what you do
Apr 28, 2024
just move towards one thing that makes you happy, one go at a time. if it becomes a pattern, think about what it is about the thing that makes you happy. move towards it, one diy, one event, one forum at a time. also know that you can reinvent yourself hundreds of times in this lifetime, so goals are arbitrary. what matters is that you spend most of your days with at least a bit or a lot of joy. oh also remembering that your career ≠ what fulfils you. sometimes we work just to have $$ to do what we really want to do (cook/draw/knit/make music etc). in the end, your life will be made up of many small moments, so just try to enjoy yourself. at least that’s how i do it :)
Apr 22, 2024

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just watched this on a whim. was going through a tough time and thought it would help me, but it ended up helping me in the opposite way i thought. its heartbreaking but i think it’s important. i thought it would motivate me to have a thirst for travelling the world and experience all these things but instead it gave me the desire to fix my internal world. don’t get put off by the flashiness of whoever the fuck you follow on instagram and go to therapy. those wine bars in tuscany and clubs in rio mean absolutely nothing if you’re never satisfied. sorry for the sappiness. RIP Anthony Bourdain 🪽
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