Write it out, like you’re doing here! everyone has already said you’re super young so find hope and peace in that whenever you‘re panicking about what you should be doing. Don’t worry too much about love, that’s going to come at its own time. your career will take shape over time and you always have chances to change it. How do I feel grounded (context, i’m 30, feeling decently settled). I constantly make lists of what I need to do or want to do (these are separate!). Today I need to do xyz at work, I need to make plans for this weekend, I need to buy new cat food, I want to work out twice, I want to cook something with zucchini, I want to listen to a new podcast episode Some other things: I always try to have an artistic outlet. I ask questions about things I don’t know (this is everywhere, work, at the cafe, in yoga class, I Google if I’m curious). I go to therapy and when I make goals I only think of my own happiness.
Jan 22, 2025

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Everything will come when its supposed to :) Yes I love to write! i love this app because I can share with other and it feel way more personal then instagram Or any other social media! Ahhh I love list: I just got a hobinichi planner! it’s amazing and so inspiring! Enjoy ur zucchini Thank you for your wisdom 💗
Jan 23, 2025
I’ll be watching for the hopefully forthcoming cooking with zucchini rec!
Jan 22, 2025

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Yeah severance is the best tv show on right now and I will watch it and discuss the nuances and the shots and coloring and the writing!! like That’s art, that’s critiquing culture, that’s bringing something new to the table I will ALSO sit my ass down with wine and popcorn and watch the new love is blind episodes(and love island this summer!!!) because tv can also serve the purpose of shutting my brain O-F-F !!
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