Tomato must be heirloom and room temp, bread must be toasted, you must add salt, preferably plant-based mayo.
Also, I was thinking about how I could see a restaurant literally charging $15 for this somewhere on the lower east side.
-Beefsteak tomatoes
-Russian or Japanese mayo (anything but American mayo! This is not an option!)
-Sourdough, grilled in lots of olive oil
-salt + pep to taste
If you’re fancy, throw some garlic confit into the mayo and weep with delight 🥹
These are my favorite food (only slight hyperbole).
I recommend, in no order:
-Kettle brand
-Kettle brand air fried
-Lay's Kettle Cooked
These chips are so strong that they will burn your tongue. They are chemical perfection that make the systems in my body dance. They are so rock and roll. No matter what size the bag, I will probably finish the bag.
I always eat the folded ones first, and then move to the unfolded ones.
If you’re within an hour walk from home, you should just walk home.
I understand taking public transit or an Uber there to be on time, but you’re not rushing to get home. Thus, walk.