a weekend back in my hometown did this for me ! upon arrival i was like wow i am doing so well in comparison to how i was when i was living here as a teenager. and after three days i am listening to philadelphia shoegaze with a pit in my stomach and an oppressive sense that i may never leave this place………
Jun 24, 2024

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its nothing that hasn’t been said before a thousand times. Im back in Philadelphia and we’re both different. I go to a fancy cocktail bar that’s opened on the road I’ve only ever been down to get to my ex‘s apartment. there were fewer businesses then, and many buildings were shuttered and dark. now there are high rises where there used to just be skeleton structures of plywood and plastic. I get coffee with two friends I introduced just before I left, and it’s sweet and strange to see the new flower of a friendship there that I didn’t watch grow. I take the bus down Washington Ave and try to catch a glimpse down the street my best friend used to live on, at the rooftop where we laughed and cried and sang and smoked and took five hundred thousand pictures of ourselves silhouetted against the skyline. I get lunch with my ex in his new neighborhood, eating at the diner we ordered delivery from when we had to quarantine together in late 2020. We talk about therapy and new partners and change. I take the regional rail out to the suburbs to see an old coworker who now has a baby. She shows me pictures from their family’s Christmas. I sit backwards on the way home, letting my eyes relax the row homes into a blur until im almost sick. A flock of starlings flies next to the train, gliding through the air for an almost unbelievable amount of time even with their wings closed. The birds all suddenly alight in a tree and the train pulls away.
Dec 30, 2024
Really helped me see my hometown through fresh new eyes, and appreciate things about it I took for granted! It also made me feel like I could bring all of me that has developed since I left the city back into it instead of purely regressing into my teenage self🥳
May 21, 2024
i went frolicking for two weeks in Copenhagen, Berlin, etc with some friends who live there and while the bonding was magnifique, and the dancingdrugsenergy unlike anything America could begin to offer, i can't adequately express the elation felt on the journey home. tasting California summer produce, driving my gas guzzler around town, snuggling into my own bed, spending quality time with my friends and family, dropping back into a life i'm so proud to have built over the past few years... nothing beats it. i'm so happy to be home and so grateful i'm no longer frantic to escape it. maybe it sometimes takes time away to appreciate the grass can be green wherever you plant your feet <33 (also i haven't been posting on here bc the app refuses to work on my phone... help??)
Jun 25, 2024

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for my 100th rec i am proposing a chicago meetup sometime this summer, inspired by other city rendezvous(es?) ~~~ would love to meet some of u lovely people in person! comment if you’re interested we can brainstorm places 2 go 💫
Jun 15, 2024
if you are in the metro chicago area pls join us at central park bar in avondale next saturday, august 17 at 4pm. mossyelfiethickrimmedgirlronen and i will be there for sure ! here is the discord for chat ! pls come join us !!
Aug 11, 2024