i went frolicking for two weeks in Copenhagen, Berlin, etc with some friends who live there and while the bonding was magnifique, and the dancingdrugsenergy unlike anything America could begin to offer, i can't adequately express the elation felt on the journey home. tasting California summer produce, driving my gas guzzler around town, snuggling into my own bed, spending quality time with my friends and family, dropping back into a life i'm so proud to have built over the past few years... nothing beats it. i'm so happy to be home and so grateful i'm no longer frantic to escape it. maybe it sometimes takes time away to appreciate the grass can be green wherever you plant your feet <33 (also i haven't been posting on here bc the app refuses to work on my phone... help??)
Jun 25, 2024

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it's so nice to come back to the comfort and familiarity of where i came from. it was so hard to be here for a long time but now that I've gone away and changed its really good to come back.
May 16, 2024
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current listen: dancing by Tru Tones this is my first post on here and that's fun. I'm just gonna say it: I have been home for about 11 days, and I feel as though I have been here for much longer. Not in a bad way. just that time moves so low when it's extremely sticky outside (it's 87 degrees in Tanzania). I have always been okay with being alone. But I also notice that when I hang out with my friends, I feel as though I might not be as much fun as everyone else while I am here. I don't club, but I love going to clubs (I shazam songs and like concerts). I don't drink for religious reasons. But when I think of how I want to go out to some places, I think, "Why not just do it alone"? But I am yet to do them. Idk. Anyway, maybe I will discover more of myself in the future. I thought I'd have figured out some aspect of myself at this age (24). but what I do know is that I will make sure I try some things on my own. for sure. here's to doing something different for myself!
Dec 25, 2024
I think it’s the best part of the trip itself
May 26, 2024

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i love that our seemingly high-tech phones still cannot do the job of capturing the moon‘s ethereal essence. it’s so humbling and vulnerable to attempt to take a photo of her and have it come out all ugly and orb-like. it’s literally none of ur business to see what she looks like anytime apart from the present moment! (and please don’t tell me if samsung or google pixel have invented technology to do a better job of this. it wouldn’t sit right with me… like trying to sneakily undress a woman without her consent when she has explicitly stated she’d rather remain demurely clothed and mysterious)
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