Last night I dreamt I flew. Or, not so so much flew as levitated. My ex-coworker was there and she was also doing yoga so I think the yoga was what let me fly. They have cases where I would sink if my concentration is off. this always seems to be the way it happens
It’s kind of like the way Mary Poppins flies minus the umbrella (and minus the explosion at the end of this video). I jump to launch into the air and then I can jump off of the air as if it were a stair-step to go higher but I stay floating and I don’t lose height unless I choose to go down… every time it happens I’m like oh I’m flying again. there’s only been one time where someone else in the dream was also able to fly.
This ask was inspired by my dream last night where I encountered a charging moose and flew away to avoid it just as it was about to ram into me…
I used to lucid dream a lot, not by my own volition most of the time, just kind of happened. But last night it happened out of nowhere and my favorite thing to do is FLY. I wonder what that says about my reality and the dreams I want to achieve..
i always wake up before i hit the ground tho, so depending on how you look at it i'm techinaclly soaring through the air. if i could tap into lucid dreaming maybe i could turn the falling into actual flying tho?
I’m not talking about disabling I’m talking about deleting your fucking Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, whatever. The posting, scrolling, liking is helping nobody. Hardcore for some but the path I’ve chosen