depending on your experience level and writing portfolio, a lot of smaller and independent pubs are fairly accessible for budding music journos. if you have a solid story idea and interest in getting into music journalism, editors will be receptive to that! for the portfolio part, reviewing local shows or writing short essays and publishing them on a personal blog or substack can be a great starting point. for publications: i’d reccomend new feeling co-op! I’ve written for them a few times and they’re so kind & are all about helping new writers find their voice in music journalism.
Feb 8, 2024

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thank you so much, these are amazing recommendations!! i've definitely been intimidated by the fact that i don't have a portfolio at all yet, but substack is a great idea, and so is starting small.
Feb 9, 2024

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if my bunk ass town has one yours definitely must. that's the #1 place to go if you want to get covered - they're usually starved for content and jump at the chance to cover something local - especially if it's diy and artsy
Sep 7, 2024
i recommend identifying some indie journalists that are local or focus on a subtopic you’re interested in and following them (twitter and bluesky have a lot). just first skim their profile and check the outlets they’ve written for in case there are red flags (i can rec some US ones if u want!) i also above all recommend finding your nearest newspaper - in the US you usually have some sort of “tribune” or other local newspaper. if you aren’t in a metropolitan area i recommend additionally following one from your closest metro area (if not, your state capitol). if you have a local NPR affiliate they are generally reliable and free. your local news might only be one of those acronym-number tv ones (FOX11, ABC7 etc), but their stories are free, report on a variety of topics, and usually better than CNN imo (**be mindful they still tend to publish random copaganda crime stories) also, local papers almost always still report out on national news and big international news you also don’t even need a paper subscription, a web subscription is typically cheap. usually $10-30 for a year all that said - local newspapers can still be biased, but IMO it can be easier to spot the BS when you know the issues local to you. if you know your mayor has sucked because he is funding a shady project and he’s cutting budgets for something that fixes an important issue in your town, and an article comes out on the issue getting worse but doesn’t mention the budget cuts or only quotes the mayor without fact-checking or adding further context — that’s suspicious and you know to be weary of what else that paper is putting out. but if they do publish a nuanced story with multiple sources, background context, and seems to be fact checked, you can then approach other things they publish with less apprehension. it’s an imperfect litmus test for news
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forgot you could do this and it rocks
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