As our celebration comes to a close, I thought I'd propose official details to codify how to celebrate HOT DOG WEEK.
1. HOT DOG WEEK is a religious holiday celebrated annually for seven (7) days starting April 1st. Seven days represents the average daily consumption of HOT DOGS doctors recomend.
2. The feastivities begin the evening of April 1st with a Bedtime Hot Dog. This is consumed in silence.
3. The remaider of the holiday is celebrated by giving and recieving HOT DOG related recomendations, public and private consumtion of HOT DOGS, and general HOT DOG reverlry. These activities are not exclusive to HOT DOG WEEK and are encouraged throughout the year.
*These are suggestions open to revision by celebrants.
**Supposedly FLOOR WEEK follows HOT DOG WEEK. It starts at midnight when the HOT DOG drops and hits the FLOOR.