only happened to me after many years of not dating & instead spending time with myself until i realized i'm capable of being happy if i don't ever find anyone.. so in that sense i also second normieexgirlfriend's rec otherwise remember that dating is about trying to find somebody who'll fit into the life you've already established.. it is certainly not about trying to impress anyone or find somebody before an imaginary time limit is up.. just focus on having fun and trying to connect with people, not hoping every date you go on will lead to your next relationship
Jul 2, 2024

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I saw dating (especially with apps) as just a way to gain experience and practice different relationship communication, I.e. how to draw boundaries or bring up small conflicts (used to be a nonexistent skill for me). I set some expectations from the get go as well. I said I didnā€™t text, and I only saw someone I was dating once per week. I had a tendency prior to become enmeshed really easy, so I was making sure I didnā€™t fall into that same trap. It helps give time to actually get to know someone before it becomes ā€œserious.ā€ Alsoā€¦ YOU are the prize of your life. As others have stated, youā€™re seeing if someone can fit (well enough) into your full and luscious life. Keep yourself busy with friends, family, learning, fun, hobbies. You have an awareness already that this is a thing for you. When you notice yourself starting to go insane, PAUSE! Explore that. See how you can slow down.
Jul 2, 2024
i donā€™t know you so take this with a grain of salt if it doesnā€™t apply to you. iā€™ve also never had a long-term romantic relationship so maybe iā€™m not the best person to listen to anyway. BUT i do have a beautiful community of long-lasting friendships which i believe has given me the skills to be successful in a future romantic partnership i guess my point is it might be helpful to focus on developing friendships and community first. who knows, a date might come out of it too! but iā€™ve gone on dates with people who donā€™t have many friends before and itā€™s turned out to be a red flag cuz they haven't had experience with relationships in general also, i've noticed the times i've most wanted to be in a relationship are times when i havenā€™t connected with my friends in awhile. desire for romance can be a signal for general human connection sometimes. so having a good community might fulfill some of the needs youā€™re feeling too. but i know itā€™s a different thing than being head over heels for someoneā€¦ all depends on what weā€™re looking for i guess all the advice on this thread is great for both dating and making friends though! i hope you find lots of meaningful connections of all kinds in the process āœØ
Mar 16, 2024
Feels reallllllllly tempting following a romantic fallout to "get back out there" for several reasons: to prove (to yourself?) that you are desirable, to fill a void left by ex partner, to see if things feel different with other people, to try to comfort yourself with the knowledge that not everyone is as shitty as the last person u dated. (sidenote: spend time with the question of what it fulfills for you) This is rarely ever the right move. At least in my experience. I've literally caused myself psychic damage by jumping back in too fast lol. As cliche as it is, the best advice I have is to spend time (LIKE, TIMEEEEE. months) "dating yourself." You will gain confidence, learn more about yourself + have space from the event that leaves you feeling like dating is so difficult right now. Time really does heal all wounds...but jumping right back into dating is like picking a scab. Fill up your cup in other ways in the meantime. Eventually, it will feel more natural/comfortable for you to ease back into dating - instead of trying to cram yourself into it and thinking that there's something wrong with you/you've sustained permanent damage because it's difficult. Your wounds won't be as fresh and you'll have a clearer picture of what you can/can't tolerate in a romantic relationship. It's hard! But u can do it! <3
Apr 1, 2024

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