I’m limiting myself to 10 to be sensible and these are subject to frequent and unpredictable change. Tried to do a range of genres and a few well beloved directors. I hope you find as much joy in cinema as I have!
Howls Moving Castle - when you say you’ve seen nothing, does this mean no ghibli? There’s a whole load of Studio Ghibli films that are amazing, this is my comfort Film.
Jennifer’s Body - essential bisexual cult cinema. never met a man who likes it, never met a woman who doesn’t
It Follows - possibly my favourite ever horror movie.
Four Lions - Probably my favourite comedy ever, very British, very brilliant
Arrival - one of only two times a film has given me the feeling of the sublime in the same way seeing the alps did.(the other one is The Green Knight, consider this a sneaky Rec for that too) Beautiful sci-fi.
The Virgin Suicides - Arguably Sofia Coppola’s best film.
The Big Lebowski - my favourite Coen Brother’s film (I have Maud tattooed on me). fun and hugely well loved.
Only Lovers Left Alive - Jim Jarmusch is a must watch director, this and Paterson are my faves. Tilda Swinton and TI’m Hiddleston play sexy vampires.
Ocean’s 11 - very vocal about my love for heist films, and this is the cream of the crop