yes my family is crazy. the feud was so bad, my father is chaotic narcissist, and my mother was a depressive narcissist. they were always relocating and running away from my mamas parents bc they disapproved of my papa nd resulted in a lot of ppl traumatized. but ev one is civil now. bonus content! when i was 6 i loved to read and found a womans magazine lying around my grandparents house. it had a lot of graphic sexual content like how to effectively masturbate as a woman and how to finger/eat a man’s ass. my mama went to pick me up and found me casually reading this magazine in the dining room and she got so mad at my grandparents for leaving me unsupervised. that led me to my research abt sex and probs why i was sexually awakened at a young age.
Jul 5, 2024

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its a subgenre of dance and the first edm genre to originate from the Philippines. this guy DJ love invented it and incorporated local Badjao ethnic sounds. you would hear it in fiestas mostly in the provinces and street parties. ngl i used to hate this genre back in highschool n thought it sounded silly bc i was lameee
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