i was maybe 12 or 13 and my mum and i were volunteering at a farm that rescued old/abused farm animals. we were sitting in a circle with the owners and other volunteers, and they started going around the circle saying how long they had been vegan. i was not vegan, never had been vegan, and am not vegan even now, and i said that. every person there (all adults) gave me intense stares and side-eyes, and one owner told me that i should think about how much i liked animals when i was eating them.
anyway, we got on to volunteering and it was going well until lunchtime. i had gotten mud in my boots, so my socks were muddy, and i was trying to clean them. two women in their 20s came over and asked me if i wanted a new pair of socks. i refused at first, but they insisted, so i said okay. they then said that the socks were out in their car, and i should come with them to get the socks out of their trunk. i said that i didn’t need them that badly, but they were very pushy about getting socks from their vehicle, which was ‘just near the end’ of the farm’ insanely long driveway.
i kept refusing until i had to say that i was going to find my mum, because they still insisted. so, i got up and left (quickly) with my muddy socks.
i later found out from my mum that these people shoved pedestrians in busy cities into booths with slaughterhouse videos running, in order to ‘spread awareness’. they were also infamous for their hundred-person ‘gatherings’ on their farm.
i ended up not telling my mum about the two women until maybe a year ago and she was very shocked.