I played a character for a bit named Bubba who was a half-orc rogue. while rogues are usually stealthy and cunning, Bubba was oafish and clumsy. he was like a classic cartoon henchman, incompetent and cowardly and ultimaley focused on his own self preservation when the going got tough. the thing is, he was insanely lucky. so while he couldn't sneak to save his life, sometimes the guards would miraculously miss the 7 foot 5 orc hiding behind a tiny barrel, or sometimes he would happen to land a range attack at uncanny distance to avoid starting an encounter. most of the time though he would carelessly lead the party into easily avoidable combat scenarios, but what he lacked in brain he made up for in muscle. I'd say if you're playing with people who are down to have a good time and don't mind a character designed to throw a wrench in the plan, this is a fun archetype to play.