With that name, he's a paladin. A paladin I did not create but was cajoled into playing because my DM couldn't take the time to have me make a new character mid-quest (it was either play as Thoromyr or sit out the campaign). How bad could playing a paladin be, really? Just a few games, right?
Yet he lives. Ugh, how I loathe him. I do everything I can to kill him, but he never dies. It is as if the dice gods know what I'm about. I play him like the paladin from Honor Among Thieves, but with a touch of Zap Brannigan from Futurama.
He had a squire named Hamfast, but the poor youth died in a cave far from civilization. Now he has no one to groom him or the horses, listen to his inane ramblings about the tenets of the faith, or fetch the firewood. He is good at screwing up the shady dealings of the thief and mage in the party, which adds a nice character tension. I just wish someone else was playing him!