Ripping into fruits on a hot summers day, juice dribbling down my exposed chest pooling at my feet. Sitting in cool river streams, a part of the natural world around me. Not a thought beyond the immediate. Stuff like that.
Jul 10, 2024

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If you like going to the movies and have a selection of AMCs near you it’s an unbelievably good deal. Even at my most destitute I have refused to cancel this membership because it’s basically a free activity anytime and a fun little date with myself. 3 movies a week for $25/month??? I will never shut up about this.
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If you go to the movies regularly this deal cannot be ignored. Not only can you see all the good movies, you can see the bad ones with no regrets
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i live laugh love going to the movies, and having my regal unlimited membership makes it sooooo much more financially feasible! plus i love rewatching movies and being able to see an unlimited amount of movies for a flat rate a month is so unbelievably worth it to me. if i had an amc near me i would be an amc a-lister for sureeee! we gotta keep movie theaters alive it's like one of my favorite places <3
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I have many Ideas. I ponder over them like an obsessive collector; organizing, re-organizing, packing them into words so the meaning is captured, transferable. Most of my transformative experiences are unexplainable - how does one capture the depth of a still, silent night? The whispering of leaves in warm summer breezes. Vague feelings of wholism while sitting in the grass, photosynthesizing like plant ancestors - a fish swims without direction. Many call it god but the church is alienating; the word massacred and butchered beyond the recognition of what it once meant. One idea I have kept unmolested by the opinions of others, is that these holistic experiences in nature, with friends, live music shows, where the pulse of life beats strongly, are everything. An anchor point for a life well lived. It’s not enough to just be in nature, alchemizing the circumstance missing the key ingredient. A couple of friends and I went on a trip to where the ocean went on forever, unbroken horizon. We were down by the water, sunset and glistening, warmth of the sun and sand beneath my feet. But it was nothing more than looking. I did not have access to this other way of being - locked out, truthfully, by being eaten alive by the stress of exams and stewing in the feelings of being unlovable. It is somehow within you; the trees and ocean reflect it back to me. A quality of self brought out by sincerity and solitude. It’s everything, reflected in everything worthwhile.
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These are a few that stick out to me; a good place to start, no particular order - be here now, Ram Dass. Very dear to my heart, there is nothing else like it. there are also many hours of his lectures recorded for ur listening pleasure - letters to a young poet, Rainer Rilke. letters he’s written; he discusses solitude, relationships, art, always with the undercurrent of spirituality - book of hours, Rilke. love poems to god, I like the Barrows and Macy translation. I’m currently reading it - new seeds to contemplation, Thomas Merton. Merton is a good one to read, he’s got lots of work; go pick through - lord of the rings, Tolkien. i feel that it is a deeply spiritual text. the prose makes me cry, the reverence of Nature speaks to my heart I like to listen to James Finley’s podcast turning to the mystics because my current interest is contemplative christianity. Pete Holmes sometimes has interesting guests, as does Duncan trussel, who talk about spirituality from varying traditions. I never felt a great affinity for Alan Watts but u could give him a listen
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I am a woman enthusiast. Go ladies go Big fruit fan, particularly the pitted summer varieties (peaches, nectarines, plums, etc) Neon Genesis Evangelion
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