Huge accomplishment! Life long chain smoker here and for the first time in years I didn’t run to my favorite little treat when my day was kicking my ass! This is big people, just gonna grab a pack of gum and chew my worries away.
after 2 months smoke free i have decided i will treat myself tomorrow to another pack of cigarettes. all because a cute guy in my class said he had a smoke this morning b4 class, and since then all i can think about is having a cig. i lost the battle.
i just had my first ever makeout sesh and its still kind of unbelievable how good that was. U guys feel like this everytime u kiss someone?? Like i just wanna do it over n over omg. (my emotions r running high im sorry)
imo, making out & grinding/dry humping is wayyyyy better than straight up fucking. the intensity, the heavy breathing, the escalation.. i mean that shit takes u straight to cloud 9. I havent seen enough appreciation for this.