I work three jobs and am getting my BA part time. I have hobbies, friends, and an active social appetite. I’m also subject to the 24 hour day. Sometimes that doesn’t really feel doable.
in the middle of winter, you can get an Airbnb in Burlington Vermont for $30 a night. it’s a small room, a bed, a window. Shared kitchen, both spare and kitschy (a notable achievement I feel). though I can’t afford to leave all that often, this is how I do it. I go for 5ish days, I sleep a lot, I eat well enough, I read and write a lot because I feel like I can really unload. it is so quiet, and if you wanted to go somewhere at night you could, but you’ll find you rarely want to. When I got off the train in Burlington it was snowing and the snow stuck to everything, even the asphalt and I just started laughing maniacally in an empty parking lot.