currently live a car ride away from ~everything which is making me feel very sad and isolated. the public transit situation is pretty rough too. iā€™m excited to be where i can just walk to fun and new and interesting places. but first, i have to figure how one locates and secures an apartment on their own...
Mar 23, 2024

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I LOVE THE CITY omg iā€™m so excited i move so soon and i get a new space for a bunch of new stuff and itā€™s so awesome and its so close to work and downtown RAAAAA
May 4, 2024
This weekend i left town at 4 am to roadtrip to (redacted big city) with my mom then just did a deep dive of towns in the metropolitan area. Having her with me was incredible. She knew to approach friendly strangers at gas stations and barber shops about how good of areas are these. Then after gaining so much intel and hunting down so many rental signs. We grabbed dinner with some friends i have out in this area, 2 more people i also lean on quite a bit. To my surprise we didnā€™t talk extensively about the hunt for places to the degree i assumed we would. Afterwards i went to a party with my friends and chatted with a friend of my friends about me working on making the leap. I still have ways to go but have started to hear about people i know through a person who knows a person who knows a person who have job openings whom live over there and other rental properties that have popped up. Basically alot of jotting info down, being proactive, and talking with people about it. Has been the move in making progress. And crossing my fingers i land what i want.
Feb 10, 2025
my partner and i were presented with the opportunity to move into a friendā€™s slightly larger and more amenitied apartment up the block, but weā€™d have to break our lease to do so lol listed our apartment on facebook marketplace to see if anyone was interested in signing the lease so we could move, essentially just putting out feelers and seeing what happened. did not expect to receive dozens upon dozens of messages! i scheduled tours and showed like six people around, all of whom were like where can i sign! and i called our landlord twice. met with the landlord of the new place and got the paperworkā€¦.. truly in the final stepsā€¦. only to get home and realize, you know what,,, weā€™re staying here! and it was literally such a relief to say it. did it take hundreds of messages from people begging for me to leave my apartment to truly viscerally process that iā€™ve got a good thing? perhaps! but i think it was more that i had been in a scarcity mindset of like, ā€œwhen we move and i have more space iā€™ll be able toā€¦ make the art i want; really feel at home; feel more comfortable; etc.ā€ and when i really dug into those feelings about it, i simply knew that my home right now presents a growth opportunity to work creatively with the space i have. didnā€™t want to admit to myself that i was in that space of forcing things because i initially just wanted to move so badly, i was literally bypassing my felt experience and like, true reactions. i also felt like it fell into our laps and was this once-in-a-lifetime thing. but really trying to now reinforce that a two bedroom w a dishwasher, balcony, and some bedrooms that look out onto the neighborsā€™ walls is not inimitable. and i want to approach this process from a space where im resourced and generally tranquil. so iā€™m happy and iā€™m not moving and im going to buy myself an $8 latte this morning to celebrate!!!!
Apr 25, 2024

Top Recs from @sloane_shark

sincerity is cool, caring is cool, you are all cool
Feb 28, 2024
the first thing to be said is that this recommendation applies equally to everyone the next thing to be said is that you have, inevitably, been suffering from a cocktail of depression and anxiety for more than a decade, and this has made you incredibly tired what you need is to make NYE plans with a good friend you haven't seen in years; she will bring you out to the club and it will be fuckin rad; you'll buy some cute clothes and she'll do your makeup, despite these not being things you really ever do, and you'll forget how much you typically disdain your appearance for one night next, you're going to have to just read for awhile, books and essays and youtube comments and text messages after enough reading, you'll have your own thoughts and questions, and you'll inevitably see someone else asking the question "am i trans?" reading this question will naturally lead to you asking yourself: "am i trans?" the answer is yes at this point, you have transitioned into a girl, and everything else is just showing off; decide on a new name; get a therapist and a doctor who are supportive; pump your body full of the hormones it needs; get some cute new clothes and burn your old shit; ask for help picking out and doing your makeup stop treating your body like a shipping container for your sad brain; transform it into the hot girl your brain already knows you are
Feb 28, 2024
a bitch is divorced (positive) and got her name changed for free
(amicable) divorce hearing today and i am very anxious please send me good energy
Aug 8, 2024
Aug 8, 2024