i keep track of my dreams in notes app - here's a good one: i had a dream i was hooking up with [ex boyfriend] on a work break but it was actually [long time crush]. either way it was lit lol then after we finished, i went to my parents house and saw a neighbor chasing an old dog with grey short hair. the dog was sitting in between my parents cars and the guy pulled out a g*n to shoot it. i went to check after the shot was fired but there was no one there, dog and shooter had vanished. so i flew into the sky, located the dogs house, and flew over to the dogs house to set it free. the dog was wearing so many leashes but i attached one to both the dog and myself and tried to teach the dog how to fly into the sky alongside me. the dog had to get something it needed because of its old age and went back into the house instead of flying away with me. i knew this was not a good move and that the dog would be trapped there forever. i saw the owner/shooter return and got sad and then thought about how i need an active dog to keep up with my lifestyle (flying)
Jul 17, 2024

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