I like this one menswear event in NYC... I'm trying to go to more shabbat dinners in the city with strangers... I'm... uh, I'm still swiping on hinge for some stupid reason, I get like one date off hinge in a year, it's so very pointless.
Jul 22, 2024

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i’ve met like a fair few people who have ended up becoming some of my best friends from hinge and a couple really cool people i‘m seeing has worked really well in every city i’ve lived in, i feel like it’s more queer than other apps? and it promotes actually reading people’s profiles more rather than just going off first photo but at its core apps are just a way to meet people because day to day has gotten so desocialised esp in london
Idk unfortunately this is the world dating apps can be good bad or meh really it’s just such a mixed bag and access to people you may never organically interact with otherwise which I find actually nice But hinge is specifically cursed like the required and very limited prompts are horrible every added feature is worst then the last and I truly think the “most compatible” suggestion it gives you is meant to make you reevaluate Every decision that has lead you to that moment
Jul 20, 2024
I linked a rec I made over a year ago about deleting hinge and dating the old fashioned way. have I been on a single date since then? nope. do I stand by what I said? absolutely. I’m still convinced that the apps aren’t perfect, and while they might work for some people they’re kind of a necessary evil at best. without them, it’s hard to put yourself in contexts where meeting someone organically is possible. and even then, within those contexts the meeting has to be just that: organic. it takes time. it takes being in places/situations regularly where you think you’ll meet people who share your interests/values. it also takes a bit of effort to initiate those interactions, and also fate that someone might initiate something with you. the apps are a convenient, quick fix, instant gratification solution to the issue in that they will get you dates, but in exchange for quantity you may sacrifice on quality. things of quality have no fear of time, though. waiting to encounter someone who is a good fit and in a good phase of life to be what you need and vice versa is going to take time. and if you work a 9-5 like I do, you’re going to have to invest in putting yourself in situations to meet people in your free time. or just do what I do and develop crushes on your superiors in the workplace that are doomed to never be realized because of HR protocol. i’d advise against the latter, though.

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