the adult version of getting various ouchies slash boo-boos associated with childhood minus all of the extreme physical activity and unlimited energy Examples of my own recently - weird bruise on my thigh that I can’t Explain - knot from shower curtain rod falling on my head - tiny burn on my foot from getting hit by a speck of hot oil
Jul 23, 2024

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(oh my) Getting any of these is a lot rarer now compared to when I was a child, when it seemed like I used to have a continuously rotating collection of little injuries whether it be from playing outside, running around with my friends, or roughhousing with my older (and much stronger) brother. Now, getting these minor wounds makes me nostalgic for that time when I was growing up, while simultaneously serving as a reminder for how great a privilege it is to be able to use my body
Apr 11, 2024
to think that when i was a kid i was falling over, skinning my knees, getting scratches, and bruises EVERY DAY while running around... falling down was so normal i just got straight back up and didn't even think about it. my 26 year old decrepit ass fell down yesterday and i was in shock for hours after...
1. My biggest is a scar from collar bone surgery after it broke into three pieces on a bike ride in the college. I still have the metal plate holding it together 2. Two on my achilles tendons because I walked on my toes for my entire childhood, so they needed to be surgically lengthened when I was nine. 3. Several on my face from when I was hit by a car while on a bike ride. 4. One on my outer wrist from riding too closely past a branch while on a 100 mile bike ride And I have several more from either crashing my bike or being clumsy. I don't do bike racing anymore lol.
Feb 24, 2025

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