1. My biggest is a scar from collar bone surgery after it broke into three pieces on a bike ride in the college. I still have the metal plate holding it together 2. Two on my achilles tendons because I walked on my toes for my entire childhood, so they needed to be surgically lengthened when I was nine. 3. Several on my face from when I was hit by a car while on a bike ride. 4. One on my outer wrist from riding too closely past a branch while on a 100 mile bike ride And I have several more from either crashing my bike or being clumsy. I don't do bike racing anymore lol.
Feb 24, 2025

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I didn’t know toe walking could cause something that bad 😰
Feb 24, 2025
hoahoahottie I have my suspicions that I walked on my toes because of sensory issues and that doctors exaggerated the danger of not doing the surgery...but I digress.
Feb 24, 2025

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Feb 24, 2025

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