‘Gish,’ the 1991 debut, remains an underrated psychedelic classic.
Billy Corgan was less Darth Vader here (these days he wears a cape onstage and is giving serious Empire vibes) and more pretentious, insecure suburban Chicago asshole who could nevertheless play the holy Jesus out of his Strat. 🎸 (There's a great video on the YouTubes about a three decade quest Billy undertook to get this yellow "Gish guitar" back after it was stolen from him backstage at a gig in Detroit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CyjBDmEcKAE).
There's not a bad song on this album and the original quartet were an absolutely 🔥 live band. I remembering seeing them play at a 1000 person club in this era and they totally slayed.