You know this recipe because I feed it to you, but I'm gonna write it out anyway for all the tiny people inside my phone; I make my own remoulade with a homemade olivey mayonnaise base, to which I add lime juice, Worcestershire, fancy mustard, some good plain hot sauce like Cholula, Old Bay, some extra paprika and cayenne, kosher salt and fresh ground black pepper, minced garlic and ideally fresh shallots. I think that's all I put in, not sure right now. Get some crab, cheap shit is fine, and toss it in a bit of the remoulade. Heat up some olive oil on the stove, I have no idea how high I set the flame. Crumple up a bunch of saltines and mix them with some spices (feels like cheating, I prefer everything to be as homemade as possible, but whatever). If you used too much sauce with the crab, thicken it up with some of the saltine crumbs. Shape up some tiny little adorable macaroon patties of the sauce-ed crab, chuck em in the crumbs and shape it up. Fry the bitches. Serve with fresh lime to squeeze, more of the remoulade to dip. I like some clean greens as a bed for the cakes and as extra material to dip in the absolutely banging remoulade. Sweet potato fries (I don't gotta tell you what to dip these in do I?) and as much fruit as you can possibly cut up (do not be dipping the fruits, please.) make a lovely side. L8r cowboy L8r cowboy
Jul 24, 2024

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Top Recs from @surfchurch

Put some flour in a bowl, enough that it looks like just a bit less than how much bread you want. Throw in some salt and any other spices you want, mix it up. I've said before but I pretty much always use white whole wheat flour. That way you've got the nutritional benefits of whole grains without the somewhat overpowering flavor. Add a bit of yogurt and/or sour cream (remember, it's always easier to add more to something than to take it out. Err on the side of not enough yogurt so you can add more if needed). In theory, it should be about equal weights of flour and yogurt, but don't take it too seriously. Mix together; I like to use a rubber spatula and smear the mix down and around the bowl, folding it over itself to combine. You want your dough to be pretty thick, not very wet at all. Melt a tiny bit of butter and some oil in a pan. Either shape the naan and place it in the oil on medium heat, or do what I do and put the dough in the pan as a lump, then spread it out to shape in the pan. You don't want it to be too thick or the inside won't cook, I'd say no thicker than your thumb. Cook until it's nicely browned, and devour. Super simple, super quick, delicious. So that's: 1: mix flour, salt, and desired spices. 2: add approximately equal weight yogurt or sour cream, combine thoroughly. 3: pan fry on medium to medium high heat.
Sep 27, 2024
I love changing outfits like 3 or even 4 times in a day. Decently cute but lazy fit for morning, makeup and a quality look for midday, change either into another good fit ~to be seen in~ or something cute, funny and comfy to stay home in. Not to mention workout clothes. Clothes are wonderful, fashion is wonderful, your body is a canvas and clothing is puffy paint. It's so freaking fun and simple.
Jul 30, 2024
DO find a cheap or free sailboat and live on it, anchored out in various bays and rivers for several years with a kind boy and wonderful orange cat. Kayak to shore every day. DO wake up to dolphins, and jellyfish, pelicans, nurse sharks and puffer fish every morning. Do fall asleep to bioluminescent algae and more dolphins. DO take a solo sailing trip offshore, down coast and waterways you've never seen. (Different boat, and the boy and the cat are gone by now.) DO use sunscreen and preferably long clothing. DO eat lots of eggs and vegetables. DO break your rudder 40 miles offshore, immediately after smoking a pinner spliff for the first time in years and passing a freighter with your stepdads name, panicking and trying to fabricate a repair plate from odds and ends before remembering you have an outboard engine, and limping to shore in a zigzag line. DO find a metal fabricator to make you a new baseplate for your rudder at a good price. They will like you so much that they'll bring the plate out to you on your boat, along with pounds of homemade venison sausage and fish. -/-/-/- Do NOT rush out from that anchorage the morning of your 30th birthday despite an average wave height forecast of 5+ feet for the next hundred miles. Do NOT try and take a shortcut across the Florida Gulf instead of hugging the coast, ending up over 50 miles offshore of the dead center of the Everglades, literally due west of an area literally called only and officially "The Nightmare", in your free sailboat that had been derelict, abandoned in the water for 5 years and fixed up in the span of a few months by yourself on an extremely, extremely tight budget. Do NOT realize you're in over your head and do the best you can to get close enough to shore that you can anchor before dark, during which period of the journey you will spend hours screaming and weeping at God, praying and swearing that if you only survive this ridiculous birthday party, you'll stop doing all this insane, life endangering bullshit and settle down to a quiet, peaceful life to start a family of your own, and fulfill your dream of opening your own cafe. Do NOT anchor at the tail end of the sunset, still 20+ miles offshore and due west of, and this is not a joke and I know I already said this, fucking "Graveyard Creek", and "The Nightmare". There is an entire region of the Everglades known only, and officially, I swear to God, as "The Nightmare". Do NOT spend the entire night being thrown out of your 3' wide bed repeatedly, back and forth and sideways because you're experiencing a phenomenon known as "square waves"; this means there is one wave pattern created by regular tides and current towards shore, perpendicular to a second wave pattern caused by strong winds. These are dangerous, terrifying, and very difficult to maneuver, especially when a great many of the waves are 10 feet tall. Do NOT realize your radio that you hardwired in a rush was actually 7 volt, not 12 volt, and has been burnt out (I actually didn't realize for another day or two). Do NOT set off 4 of your 5 distress signal flares when you see, or think you see, boats relatively nearby. Since it's fucking Florida, they probably assumed they were fireworks. They will not come check on you. The 4th was set off with noone near, again weeping, in sheer desperation. Do NOT spend the entire night so utterly, existentially terrified that your mind starts just reciting random numbers for hours at a time, and you can't remember your social security number or middle names, screaming and praying, kept in a state of spiritual warfare by the constant, enormous banging and the realization for probably the first time in your life that you really are a vulnerable, mortal being, and you want to live and the people who love you need you. You may have this realization while watching one of the darkest, starriest skies you've ever seen, trying not to think about the gallons of gasoline that have been spilled all over your deck. -/-/-/- DO, or don't, I might've survived if I'd kept going lol, turn back the way you came from, knowing that you passed numerous strings of lobster traps on the way, meaning someone would almost certainly be around within a few days to check their traps and find you, just in case things go even wrong-er. This seems at the time like a better move than crashing into "Graveyard Creek" in the dead center of the Everglades and walking through "The Nightmare" with no weapon and limited water. DO make it back to the Ten Thousand Islands, utterly traumatized and terrified by the inevitable slight motions of your boat on the water, hugging the shore as soon as it comes in sight and anchoring in a shallow river mouth between shoals. You don't realize that it's high tide, and wake up with your boat sideways, but it's not moving so who cares. You'll go for a brief swim, see an alligator and get back on the boat. This will be one of the most beautiful, peaceful days you've ever known. After that whatever, you're alive and have possibly the most interesting 30th birthday story you'll ever hear. Bus down to your theater job in Key West, sell the boat at a loss (the buyer fucks you over by never registering the purchase and abandoning the boat right where you end up anchoring it in Marco Island, but who cares. You will eventually get persistent letters from some lawyers in Florida trying to collect wreckage dues etc but fuck em.), enjoy the rest of the season. Move back home, have an amazing time camping on the way, visiting as many slave cemeteries as you possibly can to pay respect (there's another crazy story about trying to sneak into one of these cemeteries that is on private land owned by one of those horrible abusive "summer camps" for troubled children, which pisses you off, but this post is way too long already and noone's gonna read it anyway). Spend a month or so hiking and camping in the Blue Ridge Mountains, change your oil in the driveway of a lovely punk bar in Asheville even though you don't drink, meet your future wife in Pittsburgh on the way home, and spend more time with your grandmother while you can. That was a lovely purge, I've never written more than a paragraph about this. I'm glad it happened but holy fuck I am never doing anything quite that dangerous again. Nevermind the fact that the summer after I lit my head on fire firebreathing, getting 3rd degree burns on I forget, 70% of my body or something. After THAT, I promised my mom and my partner that I'll never firebreathe again, and that I'll live a safer life in general. I guess this is a diary account now, deal y'all. Blessed be, bitches.
Jul 24, 2024