Just thinking is enough. No reason to follow through yet if ever. Think about it tho…all the little bonnets and tiny fists really get me going. I suggest a good long think sesh about children tagging along to your daily activities. Any age too..infant to toddler to a weird 9yo..possibilities are truly endless here
Your kids deserve to grow up with built-in friends/aunts/uncles. This also eliminates anxiety about deciding when to have kids you just sorta have to do it all at once. Maybe one friend donates sperm too
With my lover, my friends, my mom, I just love holding hands I think it’s so sweet and intimate & hands are an extension of the heart so it’s just love.
Sitting on the bullet train from Tokyo to Kyoto drinking some apple tea - so sweet but i think it’s naturally sweet? fruit tea has been coming into my orbit as of late, why aren’t we drinking more fruit tea?