For example, if you play games(crosswords?) on your phone u could buy a cheap crossword book. Also imo not all screens are bad- like i'm assuming u are using a screen to access maybe think of them like that; watching a peice of art(film/tv) done thru screen?screens can be an access to the beauty of the world so dwindle ur use to that and not doomscrolling. maybe go a bit more analog try dvds cds, perhaps interacting differently with tech is ur breakthrough. moreso, books thinking and going on walks and ANY sport (i reccomend badminton(not tennis)) cycling and going to the library. and trust it will all come to together, soon.
Jul 28, 2024

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i have been on a journey to untangle my tasks from my iPhone. i'd be out in the world someplace, pull out my phone for something as menial as checking the time, or as well intentioned as capturing the moment in a pic, and immediately get sucked into texts and instagram™️ and all the virtual things happening in this tiny lil demon light box. the goal: pull my phone out of my bag ONLY for phone things. that's texting, calling, and apps that can't be replaced the solutions so far: 🕰️ i started with a watch (shoutout Casio) and i wear it every day. once I broke the habit of checking my phone for the time, I felt legitimately freed from something Major 📷 I bought a small digital camera to leave in my bag. the pics look better and I don’t get distracted by the virtual world when I'm trying to capture something in the now 📚 I bought a kindle. It fits in my jacket pocket (literally) and gives me something to do when I'm on the train or waiting for an appointment that isn't scrolling I just realized so much of the time I spent on my phone was not intentional. It was a thing I was doing in between Other intentional moments. my screen time is still several hours a day (don’t get me wrong) but I think my brain has healed at least 3%. welcoming other ideas as well💡
Sep 24, 2024
1st an elaboration on ur screen time- what apps do u use the most? think of why. 2nd then find substitutions for them. for example ive replaced phone time with laptop time for when im at home ive replaced phone when outside and bored or in transit with reading a book or observeing the world around me. interrogate why you spend so my time on your phone; and what else you could be doing. remeber we all go thru peaks and troughs.... stay strong queen.
Jul 25, 2024
By reading the title you might ask how such thing is possible ? if you want to increase your attention span, first thing to do is to let go of your phone right ? Well yes and no. Your phone can definitely be used in your favor ! - On your phone, set up a Focus mode where only important apps can be on your home screen once you activate it. - Depending on the apps, use them wisely and try your best to search what interest you the most, for exemple : Youtube : search video essays about subjects that interest you Audible : to be able to listen to books Spotify : to listen to your songs while reading a book or an E-book - Set the greyscale, less colors = less interest to hold the phone - A focus mode with only the note app on the home screen, start typing on that screen your thoughts, give up to boredom - yes, you should give up and accept the boredom you created on your phone in order to increase the attention span- - Do not Disturb can be your friend, with less noise -notifications- you would be less interested in visiting the apps. With those baby steps, you could eventually start detaching yourself from your phone. As an alternative, use social media on your laptop and you will discover how less interesting are they on the desktop version, Tiktok desktop version is hard to navigate on site, instagram desktop version is boring, replace that navigation with articles to read, video essays on youtube -yes, video essays again- And lastly -the hard mode- is to go out with your phone, however keep the wifi/mobile data OFF :), set a focus mode titled -digital camera- with only the camera app on your home screen, that way you can enjoy your walk and use your phone to take pictures.
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