it’s okay to be an idiot! but even more so it’s okay to be an idiot with a hotel lobby taste. why hate? why whine? being basic is natural. doesn’t have to be bad, doesn’t have to be good. it’s not offensive, crude, beautiful, thought provoking, interesting, new, or annoying. it's there. it's technically, proficiently, there. if it provokes a human response, it provokes artistic merit. it can even be charming! embrace inner blandness, reject pretentiousness.
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Jul 29, 2024

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Things are popular for a reason. Give urself the freedom to be basic sometimes. Nothing ever became a cliché because it wasn't true 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
May 23, 2024
i think it’s ok to be boring. to not have anything special unique or interesting going on. i tell myself to find the part of me that i lost - the part i thought was more fun or intriguing or cool, but maybe you lose parts of yourself for a reason. maybe what i’m doing now, the things that make me happy, are the things that are boring. maybe when you tell yourself that what is boring or wrong, you only make the imposter feeling stronger. sometimes i think all you need is someone to think the things you like are cool, no matter how boring or uninteresting they may be. how boring can you or it really be if it makes you happy, and if it gives you meaning.
Feb 16, 2025

Top Recs from @yappiest_giraffe

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this is fucking mental magic witchcraft out of this world. it has an alex g sense/feeling, like dean blunt but more upbeat (?) what dreams & childhood would sound like in a song. probably what having a cat purring next to you feels like or falling out of a coconut tree. i’d recommend listening to their song ‘Ef’ first so you can get the vision and then their latest album release highlights - police scanner - embarrassed dog - unifying thought
Jul 26, 2024
i truly feel like a lunatic after asking chat GPT to read my birth chart so i think that says it all. the last few days i began to research about the astrology degree theory and its whirlwind of traits. the theory that basically consists on looking at your horoscope chart as a wheel, all 12 signs placed in 360° to understand better one‘s persona. i always thought venus mattered the most in terms of love and relationships but now i see it as a planet with a much darker role. venus wants what we value and find attractive, but it also determines whether someone truly loves and values exactly what you bring to the table, and the ins and outs of what you expect back from your partner. it’s more about how much you are willing to tolerate certain traits, and how they’re willing to do the same. however!! its your descendant that will play a part on this too. the descendant sign is the opposite of your ascendant. they mirror each other in a 360 spiral, so when you find someone whose ascendant is the same as your descendant, opposites attract! that means that if you’re a pisces rising and they are a virgo rising, you’re compatible. it can also work if both risings have the same element or even if both risings are the same. i still think that it’s more about how much you are willing to tolerate certain traits and vice versa from your venus sign; but in this case, it’s more about how you can rely/support that opposite ascendant and vise versa