I've tried using todo lists (physical and apps) but, as soon as they're not in front of my face, I forget about them. Lately I've been putting Everything in my calendar app. I have a widget on my phone home screen that tells me what's next so I always see it and regularly tap it to see what's on the day and the rest of the week. It's not just appointments. I'm also putting tasks and reminders on there which are typically "todo" list things. Centralized, just a glance away. It's also becoming an aid for journaling? I'm putting in shit just to remind myself what I've done socially and privately throughout the week.
Aug 1, 2024

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I try to keep my full time job organisation in the office exclusively because I don't want to take that home with me but I note any weird hours I've got upcoming in my Google calendar. At work I use a weekly organiser where I can write lists of things to do/meetings etc and move them between days fluidly if I don't complete them. If it's a really busy week I use highlighters to prioritise which tasks I need to get done in order of importance. I also have a monthly whiteboard calendar with all upcoming events (I work in a music venue) and meetings and a whiteboard where I can write notes for the upcoming month. I also have my rota for the next three months stuck up in front of me with every day off I have planned so I know exactly where I need to be and when. I'm balancing a full time job and various creative pursuits and also life so I have to be hyper-organised with my schedule. For general life organising I use my phone calendar for every time I need to do anything or meet somebody or be somewhere. I use different colours for different stuff (ie. Social, time sensitive, work). I find myself struggling to sleep if I know I've got things to do so adding in a calendar note for the next day so I don't forget is very helpful for easing anxiety. Generally I find visualisation to be the most useful thing and the more prepared I am the less stressed. Also means I can be flexible with my schedule cos I always know where I am. I have used Evernote note taking app for ten years but I hate that they're charging for it now and I can't make any more notes without paying. Very annoying because it was convenient to be able to note on my phone and have it go straight to my laptop but I will not be convinced to pay £60 a year for an app I want to use for free lol so now I use Google notes on my phone. I also have a very beautiful roadbook consisting of four notebooks: one for poetry/lyrics, one for art project notes and sketches, one for life admin lists and tasks, and a large ruled one for anything that requires a bit more working out or long form ideas. It has extra space in I can stuff any helpful scraps of paper in too. In general too I find organizing things I use on a daily basis into categories really helpful. For example my bedside table has a little area for health stuff, one for ongoing research, a to be read pile, a tech box, etc. I think of it like "high traffic areas" so anything I'm using daily needs to be within reach and everything else can be further away or more hidden. This is part of my ethos for choosing that the things I use daily to be beautiful and enjoyable to use where possible to make life a little bit better.
Apr 14, 2024
I use notion for organising my university work, shopping lists, monthly goals, etc. For day to day tasks I use Microsoft todo. Not only does it make a really satisfying noise when you tick things off, it’s also really handy for me in a morning to get everything I need to do for the day physically written dow instead of it being stuck in my head. Also writing down small, easy tasks can help me to feel more productive with my day even if the task is just making lunch or having a shower. Google Calendar is also my saviour. Super easy to use and makes everything all organised. My friends and I even have our calendars synced, which helps organising plans with them so much easier Not sure if this is of any use either but I also keep a spending diary so I can stay on top of my finances. I find it’s really helpful for me to physically write that down in a diary and at the end of every week work out how much money can get put into my savings. Staying on top of it all is the key!
Apr 18, 2024
I put reminders into my phone for a notification of the exact time I need to remember the thing. For example, if on Friday I need to swing by the store and pick something up before work, I will put a notification into my calendar to remind me before I head out the door. If someone communicates something I need to remember later that day, or a week from now, or a month from now, I just treat myself like I won’t remember and put it in the calendar right then and there. This is really, really helpful if you have ADHD, btw. Usually I actually do remember, but there are times where I don’t and I’m glad that I have the back up reminder. I shared with a friend how I do this and she was blown away, so I thought I would share this little tip that might make your life easier!
Jan 5, 2025

Top Recs from @lucius

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Alright y'all, standards have gotten a little lax around here and rec quality has taken a dip (I'm including myself in this). Here are some pointers for High Rec Standards. ANATOMY OF A REC: TITLE—This is the rec or recommendations. This is NOT a lead in. Type exactly what you're recommending here. What appears in the Title should finish this sentence, "I recommend _____." BODY—This supports the rec and anything goes. Supporting statements, supporting essays, additional recs, you can get silly, you can pontificate. You can do anything you want. Except putting the main rec down here. Where does it go? That's right. In the Title 👆 IMAGE—No rules. Add one to preference. It can be relevant or a non sequitur. LINK—I highly recommend links but it's not as important as the Title or Body. If you are recommending something that has an online presence (music, movies, websites, products, etc.), Piffies want to click on it immediately. Don't make us google. Be kind a leave a link. EMOJI—No rules. Express yourself. ANTI-RECS: They exist and they are valid recs. "Anti-Rec: _____" clearly communicates this is something best avoided. But a better way format this type of Rec is to use a modifier or verb that flows with "I recommend _____." Ex. I recommend... Not Eating Tacks, Avoiding Area X, Leaving Off the Anchovies, etc.—(Formatting Anti-Recs this way first recommended by tyler the Creator) ANATOMY OF AN ASK: TITLE—This is the question or topic of the Ask. Asks can solicit advice or start a discussion. You have some flexibility here because the Ask is expected to be expounded upon in the body if it needs more context. Just be clear. Again, this is not a lead in. Be direct and ask the question or state the topic. BODY—Provide more context. Narrow the recommendation field. Add relevant links. Remember, the Ask goes in the Title 👆 EMOJI—No rules. Express yourself. ANSWERING AN ASK—Recs on Asks can break style as dictated by the Ask. If the Ask is looking for Recs, give Recs following style. If it's asking for opinions, give your opinion. Asking for links? Give links! Respond however you would respond some someone IRL. Asks start a conversation so you can be more conversational. But keep in mind that these Recs will appear in the main feed. So where you can maintain Rec style, do so. Example: WHAT’S YOUR CURRENT LETTERBOXD TOP 4? A response to this with High Rec Standards would look something like this: TITLE—Lists your current Letterboxd top 4. You are recommending these four movies. BODY—Free reign here. Drop your Letterboxd @. Talk about the movies. Make a quip. Emoji. Relevant links. Nothing. IMAGE—Optional. Screenshot of your top four. Frame from a movie. Dealer's choice. LINK—Add your Letterboxd profile only if you want to be found. EMOJI—Whatever. But it'd be nice if it was relevant. DISCLAIMER: This is a living community document! These are only my recommendations for a foundation. Debate and Discussion of proper style are Encouraged. Any editions and changes to the PI.FYI STYLE GUIDE will be notated with attribution. Changelog: 07.26.2024—Clarified a Rec is not limited to one recommendation. Recs can recommend multiple things. Thanks to shegoestoanotherschool for identifying the issue. / Added guidance for Anti-Rec format. 02.11.2025—Moved SpongeBob Bubble Blowing Technique video link from the top level into the body ("some pointers") so the embed wouldn't override the High Quality instructional graphic.
Jul 25, 2024
This combo has just been here the whole time?!
Feb 6, 2025
i will eat one every day i do not give a fuck anymore
Jan 30, 2024