I’m really not ready to join the mid-20s club this year 😖 I really hope aging becomes sexy for everyone so I can stop feeling like my value will decline as a femme person as I age 🥲
I’m very excited about it and it just feels right. I think women start reaching their peak hotness at age 40 and then continue to age like fine wine so I’m looking forward to that too. My plan is to start seriously attempting to grow up in some ways but we’ll see how that goes; I’m probably just going to extend my adolescence in other ways because I have the freedom to do that. Mostly I just keep thinking about how when I was a kid who were 30 seemed so OLD but to be fair it’s not my fault they were like balding. Or like I keep seeing that people I know from high school are parents or watching things and being shocked that the mom characters are my age 🤡 but I don’t know it honestly feels pretty meaningless and arbitrary to me to mark and judge my life using age as a measurement
started at 20 & am hoping ill be completely grey by 35. good as a way to confront whatever fears abt aging I have & actually makes me excited to age…full silver will be a Sick look
Absolutely loved everything about this deadpan comedy/music series. Definitely is going to be a new comfort tv show for me from here on out. The topics they cover in the show to the setting in New York City is absolutely perfect and still super relevant to this day
I love this band‘s discography so far. Can’t wait for the new record to come out!
It’s experimental a lot of the time but it works. Crazy to think this band started in my hometown and then moved to Philly!
Great balance of drama, comedy, and so much more. I’m not done with the whole series yet but this episode had me in tears. The absurd moments are so good.