Not a rec but here to tell you that I also donā€™t remember my childhood very well. I once had a conversation where I realized *I* was the weird one for not remembering much. I kind of wondered for a long time what was wrong with me. My memory is pretty bad generally to this day :/ Just putting this here so you feel a little less alone in this. My therapist will also try to get me to remember my child self but I feel pretty removed from her. It kind of sucks, but also I feel like i get glimpsesā€¦ I recently started using stickers in my journal when Iā€™ve completed a book, and it makes me feel like a child again, but I really love it. Maybe there are glimpses that will come to you, but itā€™s hard to go looking for them

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thank you for sharing! i'll try to find something younger me used to love doing. I hope you remember your child self very soon.
Aug 5, 2024

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Nostalgia is so powerful. And so painful. Iā€™ve made Pinterest boards filled with hundreds of memories and toys and things that shaped my childhood. Iā€™ve made playlists that include only songs that make me feel 6 years old again. Iā€™ve watched movies that bring me the same wonder they did as when I watched them as a child. But nothing will ever truly bring me back there. Itā€™s gone forever. to know that I will never walk the halls of my elementary school building, or try and plant an apple seed in between the slides of the playground, or play tag with my best buddies ever again is something unbearable. life is so short. I miss it all of the time. Adulthood has its perks as well. I never have to ask to go sleep over at a friends house and get told no. I can eat what i want. I can get a kitten if I feel like it. But I miss the simplicity and happiness of being a child. I miss just existing and being okay with that. i miss how I felt when I was 6, but I have to accept that I must leave that behind. Maybe reincarnation is real. Maybe I will live through something like this life again? There is an ache knowing I will never walk the same tiny footsteps as I once did. But alas, Iā€™ll be 19 years from where Iā€™m at now and miss this age just as much as I do then. The ache will take a new shape. And i will continue living on.
Feb 12, 2025
Ok this is pretty depressing, but i also find it really interesting. The first memory I can remember from the inside is when I was in the playground when I was 7. I was telling someone (I canā€™t even remember who) that my mum had cancer but that ā€œsheā€™s going to be ok thoughā€. I remember knowing that no one had actually told me she would be ok, but that that was an extra bit I myself had added. Iā€™m not totally sure if I even really understood what the concept of her being not ok would really involve, but I remember knowing that that was what people would want to hear and that I should add it for myself. I have some earlier memories than this, but none that include thought process so fully. Itā€™s weird how the thought process feels the same as it does now, rather than feeling childlike, it feels the same as a thought process would feel now and I find that fascinating. I donā€™t know whether that moment would have stuck so strongly had my mother actually been ok, or whether it was knowing in hindsight that my lie had set up an incorrect expectation that made me feel weird about it? Who knows, but interesting nonetheless. I also find it interesting because nearly all my memories from that time are in the playground, and nearly none at home, which I imagine is my brain protecting itself. thanks brain, love you.
Apr 2, 2024
Iā€™m quite the sentimental kid so I am constantly in my head about time passing. Iā€™ve found though that the practice of looking back (I read my old journals, for instance) and really being in awe sometimes of just how far Iā€™ve come helps. In a similar but opposite vein, looking forward (making set goals and taking the time to imagine the person youā€™ll become) is great too. If youā€™ve forgotten memories you once assumed would stay with you forever, consider that the space in your memory/mind had to open up for something even better thatā€™s coming along. Take the time to wonder what those better memories could be. Thereā€™s something equally terrifying and incredibly liberating about time. You wanna go back about as bad as you wanna skip ahead, thatā€™s the game. Coping with it looks different for everyone, though. These are just my two cents and whatā€™s been helping me at this moment in my life.
Oct 3, 2024

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