For the past three nights I have eaten Applebee’s 2/$20 (two entrees, one appetizer, for $20). I’ve felt like a king getting this much delicious food at a bargain price, although the aftereffects have been… shall we say, painful. A few hours after each 2/$20, like clockwork, I have experienced severe IBS-level symptoms which last until mid-afternoon the next day.
I am strongly considering heading back to Applebee’s tonight for another 2/$20 (I am very hungry after being unable to eat all day), but I’m also having those intrusive thoughts in the back of my head. Am I slowly destroying my body by consuming this shit every day? I feel like I’m in the midst of a vicious cycle, and it’s hard to stop.
It’s not perfect, but I would highly recommend Applebee’s to anyone - particularly the 2/$20 promotion!